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what do you do with 2 different learning styles?


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DD6 is a workbook girl. She is happy with a schedule and her books so she can know what she has to do and finish it. She does like to read also. DD9 seems to be geared more toward unit studies and such she hates her workbooks. When we were using AWOA she loved this. How do I satisfy both kids. I dont want to do a unit study without dd6 and I hate to make dd9 do workbooks and textbooks. Any suggestions?

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Tapestry of Grace is designed to meet different learning styles. I am using it with a factual Mr. Textbook, a dreamy Mr. Literature, and an active Mr. Hands-on. It works for all of them. You would probably want to get the evaluations for the one who likes workbooks, but they would not be necessary for the loves unit studies/hates workbook child.

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I have a literature kid and a hands on kid. I definitely teach them differently. My lit kid doesn't do hands on projects. It is hard for me to do them in front of him and not include him, but the fact is, he doesn't really like them and he doesn't learn from them. He doesn't feel left out. OTOH, if I expected my hands on learner to just sit and read like he does, she would learn very little. I only have two, so I have the luxury of being able to teach to their very different styles. Is it a bit odd sometimes - yes. Do they sometimes jump into each others books, projects, etc - yes. But that is all good too.

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I have three kids with three different learning styles. Either use what fits each best or the program that you can use for both, but tweak slightly to fit each better.


This is what I do. I have four that I am teaching right now with three different learning styles. I have also had to rethink curriculum choices that I have used for years. They worked well with my two older boys (I didn't realize how easy they were to teach!), but not so well with my third son as far as high school goes. My three youngest all have different learning styles and I am constantly tweaking.

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