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Urgent Prayer Request...intercessory prayer needed

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Dear Friends,


My cousin called and said her Dad (my uncle is in the hospital). This is my Mom's sister's husband...so he is an uncle by marriage, but very much like a 2nd Dad to me.


Please pray for my Uncle Lowell. He is a very godly man....certainly "wears" Christ wherever he goes....and is loved and respected by all. He is around 85 or so and is a cardiac patient.


His wife, my Aunt June passed away 18 months ago.


He is in a local hospital and will be transported to Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH asap.


As you pray for my uncle, please also lift up the rest of my family as this is the same hospital in which they visited my Aunt June for several months before she went home to be with the Lord and I'm sure it will bring back many SAD memories of walking the same hospital corridors just a little over a year earlier.


My Aunt and Uncle are both saved.


Thanks in advance.


I pray for God's peace to surround my Uncle and literally for Him to hold my Uncle's heart in His hand. Please join with me in asking the Lord to sustain him.


Glory to the Living King,


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Thank you for praying for my Uncle Lowell. Just now, Sunday, 1:33 I talked with family and my UL is doing better.


Update: He has diverticulitis (sp?). I didn't really know what it was until yesterday when I learned he entered the hospital.


It seems he "may" have had a tear in his intestines. Many times such a tear will heal itself. They think this is what happened. He does not need surgery...PTL!! Apparantly such surgery is incredibly high risk for anyone let alone the geriatric population and it can result in septsis (sp?)....no one would ever want that.


He is getting food today and they will monitor him and his food intake today and release likely for Monday.


He will return in 4 weeks to undergo an endoscopy and colonoscopy.


He is such a lovely man. When I was praying to our mighty King, I asked if it was my uncle's time. I know he is in God's hands, but in my "natural" mind he still has work to do here.


Thank you so very much for holding my UL up to the throne of God.


Blessings to surround you.

Sheryl <><

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