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Do any of you find FLL to be too much in addition to WWE? I mean, the copy work, dictation, and narration with FLL seems kind of like overkill when you are doing the same thing in WWE. Any thoughts, I am having a time figuring out what we are gonna do for grammar. My daughter gets some grammar with Prima Latina, but I think that she needs more without overkill. Any thoughts?

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It would be too much. I believe SWB suggests not doing the copywork...ect in FLL if you're doing the WWE workbook. I'm using the text for WWE and not the workbook so I just follow the format of WWE, but do the work FLL and SOTW suggests. I hope that makes sense.

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I am doing both with my ds7. I really like the literature focus of WWE and the grammer focus of FLL. Yes, they do overlap from time to time, but I think that is a good thing. The lessons are so short that overlap is okay. Also, it depends on where your child is at and whether they can do more or less.

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I didn't know about WWE when my oldest did FLL but I have a program with the other stuff too and she would do it. Since I have little ones I have to do many short lessons throughout the day so it didn't seem like much for her.

Now for my son if he stays they way he is in learning for the new year then I am just going to do FLL because adding more would be too much for him.

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