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Career Options for a Child without a College Degree (Crosspost)

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Can anyone make some suggestions for good career paths for my stepdaughter, who is not going to be able to make it through college? She is well into her first semester of community college and is doing terribly even though all of her courses are on the remedial level. She has severe learning disabilities, but has held a job at our local grocery store the last couple of years as a cashier and done well. She is very outgoing, dependable, and responsible. Since she loves being around people, that is a must for any job she considers.


I am going to crosspost this on the general and special needs boards. Thank you so much!



Edited by LisaTheresa
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SInce she likes people I think that para-medical professions might be suitable. Which ones depend on her specific disabilities. But there are many medical careers that do not require college- aides, practical nurses, assistants for medically fragile children or elderly, etc. Of course, she could also continue in the retail area. That doesn't require college and if she actually has people skills and some interest in what she is selling, she could move into better paying sales positions once the economy gets better.

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SInce she likes people I think that para-medical professions might be suitable. Which ones depend on her specific disabilities. But there are many medical careers that do not require college- aides, practical nurses, assistants for medically fragile children or elderly, etc. Of course, she could also continue in the retail area. That doesn't require college and if she actually has people skills and some interest in what she is selling, she could move into better paying sales positions once the economy gets better.


Thank you, Chris. We have been wondering about nursing assistants and what the educational requirements are. This would be another thing for us to look into. She has always had a special interest in cars, so we also thought she might enjoy car sales, so that is a good suggestion as well.



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