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...or rather it never left. The diarrhea. Should I just keep letting it run it's course? Does it usually last this long? If you feel up to reviewing the possibly TMI details, could you tell me if I should be worried that it's some sort of.... unusual thing? Is this normal? Seems like all I've been doing is cleaning bathrooms and washing some underwear lately.


TMI to follow, please feel free to skip this post if it bothers you.


DD (age 3) Started last Friday... at the time it was accompanied by vomiting and lasted 4 days until she was hospitalized for dehydration on Tuesday morning and released Wednesday night --rehydrated with no diarrhea or vomiting. Today the diarrhea started again and has been gaining steam tonight. For a little while it was so constant that I couldn't even clean her up completely without having more. But no vomiting. Her poor little tummy is bloated and hard. :(


DS (age 5) Showed up with beginning signs of scarlet fever on Saturday, confirmed on Tuesday... Started the diarrhea on Thursday... still going. Imodium helps, but it's back as soon as it wears off. No fever since yesterday.


DS (age 9) Has had it since last Tuesday afternoon. No vomiting, fever for about 2-3 days. Fever's gone, diarrhea stays. Tested neg. for strep.


DD (age 10) Has had it since Wednesday afternoon. No vomiting. Fever lasted about 2-3 days. Again, fever's gone, diarrhea stays. Tested neg. for strep.


DH and I are both totally fine.

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Oh no, I so feel your pain. It sometimes seems that once it starts, sometimes it's impossible to get rid of. Keep them on the Bratty diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, toast, yogurt) and hang in there.


Could it be a parasite? Have they been tested?



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Have you tried controlling it with medication at all?


Frankly any child under the age of 6 with diarrhea longer than 24 hours is in danger of severe dehydration. It happens quite quickly.


Considering the longevity of the diarrhea in all the children, personally I would have them all seen. It should not last that long, even with the severest of bugs.

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I feel really really bad for you if that helps. I was feeling bad for myself because DH was sick on Saturday. Hang in there and don't hesitate to ring the doctor on Monday morning. So sorry and hope everyone gets some sleep tonight.:confused:

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Could it be a parasite? Have they been tested?





No, they haven't. When DD was in the hospital the diapers she was in soaked up too much of it, so they could'nt test for anything that way.


If that were the case, wouldn't DH and I get it too?


Where do you pick up something like that?

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We just had the same problem here. I think ours was due to a specific food.


DD5 diarrhea and vomiting last Sat & Sun. Fine during the week. Diarrhea and vomiting again this Friday and Saturday. No fever.


DS7 diarrhea and vomiting last Sunday and Monday. No fever to speak of. Diarrhea again this Friday.


second DS7 No diarrhea, no vomiting. But now he's picked up an unrelated head cold and is passing it to his brother.


I can't be absolutely sure, but I believe I've narrowed the digestive problems down to the cheese my French inlaws brought for us from France. They arrived on Wednesday. We started eating the cheese on Thurdsay & Friday and the problems started on Saturday. My inlaws were traveling during the week so we didn't have the cheese until their return here the following Thursday. Diarrhea started up again that Friday. All the kids have been fine since I stopped letting them have the cheese. (Didn't affect any of us adults.)


Anyhow, just thought I'd throw that out there in case your children have eaten any new foods or if there's any way they might have eaten anything that could be slightly spoiled.


Good luck. I definitely sympathize with you ... I've probably cleaned the bathroom and washed more loads of underwear in the past 10 days than I usually do in a month. :(



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It is never fun to have the runs.


I'll tell you what I do when it hits. I make up a big batch of Yarrow tea. Get the flowers dried from Azure Standard. They ship. It tastes awful!!! Add honey and make promises that it will help. I have *never* been disappointed. One cup is all it takes, it kills germs on contact. We never stay sick long when the stomach flu hits.


((((Hugs)))) to you. Take care of yourself.


PS I am not a Doctor and I do not play a Doctor on TV. :D

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No, they haven't. When DD was in the hospital the diapers she was in soaked up too much of it, so they could'nt test for anything that way.


If that were the case, wouldn't DH and I get it too?


Where do you pick up something like that?


We picked up cyclospora once...doc suspected it came from Chilean raspberries. It took like 2 months to completely rid ourselves of it. Kids and elderly are more susceptible, but I ended up getting it the worst. Probably because I was breastfeeding and under a lot of pressure at work at the time. The diarrhea came and went, but even when I was better, the cramping was pretty bad whenever I tried to eat. I lost so much weight I was under 100lbs by the time I began to recover. Here is a fact sheet: http://www.dhpe.org/infect/cyclospora.html



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