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Kinder year

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Hi. I'm the mommy of a 5 yr old. His school work consists of 10 minutes a day of phonics. That's it.




Who else?



Good for ya!! I'm so glad that you don't feel the need to graduate him in the next 6 months. ;) It seems so many people want to push these little ones into such a strict schedule teaching for a few hours a day. :glare: Poor kids.


Explore with them at this age. Have fun. Count jelly beans for beginning numbers/math and kudos on the phonics.

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Good for ya!! I'm so glad that you don't feel the need to graduate him in the next 6 months. ;) It seems so many people want to push these little ones into such a strict schedule teaching for a few hours a day. :glare: Poor kids.


Explore with them at this age. Have fun. Count jelly beans for beginning numbers/math and kudos on the phonics.


Please keep in mind, that for some of us, we aren't pushing our kids, they are dragging us kicking and screaming into what THEY want.


In any case, Kindy should be light and fun... hours of work are unnecessary. But if your child is skip counting and wants to learn multiplication, because he already knows how to add and subtract and believes that's for "babies" -- go with it, making it as fun as you can...


... unless you have a kid who WANTS workbooks (yeah, I've had that one too... he'd sit and do math workbooks for an hour :tongue_smilie:). I know, I don't get it either.


Have fun, and enjoy the ride.

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I have to confess (since it's 3:00 a.m. anyway LOL), that last year when DS was in Kindy, there were a lot of days we did nothing at all. We got about half way through his official K curriculum. That's it. On the plus side, he still finished up ahead of where his peers who went to PS were.


We did library, chess club, & gymnastics for extras.


This year, though, we have really buckled down, following a much tighter schedule, and he rarely misses a day of school. He isn't behind at all (in fact he's doing great overall), so I suppose a looser year of K didn't harm him! :)


(Although, he can print fine, but it's REALLY sloppy!)

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My K/1st (just turned 6) is already reading so her day consists of handwriting and following along with science/history/art/spanish that her older sister is doing that day. I do not count time "in school" as we try to make learning a natural part of our home. Like today we can watch the window guys come fix the leak in our big front window on our brand new house; we will learn how quickly mommy's head can explode :).

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Guest Cindie2dds

I had a pretty rigorous schedule for mine up until about a month ago because she could do it, poor thing. Her joy was gone, but we still needed structure to our day. We (the girls and I) couldn't be more pleased with what we are doing now. We are really having a ball and we have the structure included with the daily rhythm of our lives. :)


I wish someone had told me to chill last year when we officially did 3 hours of kindy a day for a 4.5 year old. Grrr.....

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