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I really want everyone to pick up after themselves, but they stressed that it needed to be something they can buy and not a life long commitment. Sigh.


I have that difficulty with my one son and had success this fall!! I told him that every item of his that I picked up was ONE tally. Each tally would be recorded on the board, TEN tallies and he would clean the half bath. Twenty talllies and he would clean the half bath and the kitchen floor. Thirty tallies he would clean the half bath, kitchen floor and the upstairs bathroom. Fourty tallies he would do all that cleaning and clean the master bathroom.


So, when I found his calculator on the kitchen table and his physics book in the family room, two tallies were recorded on his board. Soon he had ten tallies and had to clean the half-bath. Well, he has about 15 tallies right now and the list began Sept 1st. I was sure I would have really clean bathrooms all year long but he didn't cooperate :) He quickly caught on to picking up after himself --- well, up to two weeks ago. He broke his leg and is now confined to one spot and his stuff just doesn't move away from his desk since he can't move and carry his books elsewhere.


Tallies, you might try it.



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I have that difficulty with my one son and had success this fall!! I told him that every item of his that I picked up was ONE tally. Each tally would be recorded on the board, TEN tallies and he would clean the half bath. Twenty talllies and he would clean the half bath and the kitchen floor. Thirty tallies he would clean the half bath, kitchen floor and the upstairs bathroom. Fourty tallies he would do all that cleaning and clean the master bathroom.


So, when I found his calculator on the kitchen table and his physics book in the family room, two tallies were recorded on his board. Soon he had ten tallies and had to clean the half-bath. Well, he has about 15 tallies right now and the list began Sept 1st. I was sure I would have really clean bathrooms all year long but he didn't cooperate :) He quickly caught on to picking up after himself --- well, up to two weeks ago. He broke his leg and is now confined to one spot and his stuff just doesn't move away from his desk since he can't move and carry his books elsewhere.


Tallies, you might try it.




My kids already clean all of my bathrooms! Curses!

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I have that difficulty with my one son and had success this fall!! I told him that every item of his that I picked up was ONE tally. Each tally would be recorded on the board, TEN tallies and he would clean the half bath. Twenty talllies and he would clean the half bath and the kitchen floor. Thirty tallies he would clean the half bath, kitchen floor and the upstairs bathroom. Fourty tallies he would do all that cleaning and clean the master bathroom.


So, when I found his calculator on the kitchen table and his physics book in the family room, two tallies were recorded on his board. Soon he had ten tallies and had to clean the half-bath. Well, he has about 15 tallies right now and the list began Sept 1st. I was sure I would have really clean bathrooms all year long but he didn't cooperate :) He quickly caught on to picking up after himself --- well, up to two weeks ago. He broke his leg and is now confined to one spot and his stuff just doesn't move away from his desk since he can't move and carry his books elsewhere.


Tallies, you might try it.




Thanks for the suggestion. I may try it if Homeschool Boot Camp doesn't succeed. So far things are going really well. My house is no longer "homeschool clean" but really, truly clean. Yay. I love having older, competent kids.

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The PBS reality shows about different time periods: Victorian House, 1900's House, Frontier House, etc. I'm hoping to use them to teach a small class of homeschoolers.


Have you already seen these? I'm asking because I have seen them and there are some parts that perhaps might not be suitable for younger audiences. It's been a while so I can't remember the details - I just remember being surprised by some things. If you haven't previewed them, I'd do that. Our library has copies so I was able to check them out before purchasing.

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Have you already seen these? I'm asking because I have seen them and there are some parts that perhaps might not be suitable for younger audiences. It's been a while so I can't remember the details - I just remember being surprised by some things. If you haven't previewed them, I'd do that. Our library has copies so I was able to check them out before purchasing.


I've seen all of them, and the only one that I remember having anything inappropriate for younger viewers would be Manor House -- there were some "shenanigans" going on...it one point it seemed more Big Brother than BBC to me. But fascinating nonetheless.

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I've seen all of them, and the only one that I remember having anything inappropriate for younger viewers would be Manor House -- there were some "shenanigans" going on...it one point it seemed more Big Brother than BBC to me. But fascinating nonetheless.


Yes, I found them fascinating, too. I seem to recall some bootlegging of liquor in Frontier House and some serious discord among a lot of the folks. Anyway, better to be safe than have other kids' parents hollerin' at you, kwim?

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My kids already clean all of my bathrooms! Curses!


My kids do too and they take turns. This meant though that the bathroom was cleaned sooner and in addition to the regular cleaning date.


You could use something other than bathrooms --- car windows, bathe the dogs, scrub the windows...the possiblities are endless in our house of things to clean.

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