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I just sent my 4 year old to bed

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We are NOT having a good day today. He is being a real bear, which is turning me into a bear, a really mean one.


He hasn't napped in over a year, except when sick. (And he *was* sick over the weekend, so it's still possible he needs extra rest, I suppose.)


Everything today was NO, and screaming, and there was a time out earlier, and he has dragged his feet over EVERYTHING today.


Lunch turned from, "I'm hungry, what are you going to make me?" into "No! I don't want to eat!" and "I'm tired." (Although he *always* says he's tired when he doesn't want to do something.) So I marched him to his bed after lunch. He whined for a couple minutes and then settled down. I hope he's sleeping, even though that means he'll probably be up later tonight.


I envy those of you who do quiet time every afternoon, as normally he would consider it absolute torture and NOT be quiet normally, but goodness, do I need the break today.

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I actually came to the boards hoping to find some company in how frustrating today has been!


My 3yo would. not. eat. her breakfast and then spent the entire morning asking for snacks. But she ate a hearty lunch and is no longer complaining, but those few hours were so annoying!


My 5yo is getting over a sniffle-bug and is so extremely emotional and tears up over EVERYTHING!


My 20 mo old is receiving breathing treatments and they make her into a crazy little person who does not listen, climbs everything, screams with glee as she runs all over the house...dips stuff in the candle warmer and was trying to pull down the venetian blinds. I eventually stuck her in the playpen and turned on a movie just to contain her, and she just laid on her back, gave a big sigh and shut her eyes. If I hadn't been chasing her all morning, I would have laughed my heart out.


I'm SO TIRED! It's rest time here now and I fully intend to use it for some well-deserved rest, and ignore whatever my husband may think when he comes home to find another day of not-folded-laundry. The kids are insane, I'm pregnant....bite me.

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My big girl turned 5 last week and seems to have gone crazy. I am considering driving by the local school and slowing down long enough to push her out.



:rofl::rofl::auto:.......with the twins in first grade (they are in third grade now) --they went to PS from February till the end of the school year. After the 2nd day, DS was crying :crying: to me that he wanted to be homeschooled again! HA!


Now, they know I am not kidding! :sneaky2:

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You know, I've read several posts about people who say the time change messes up their kids for about a week. I think it is true! My kids have been horrible, too! I have a not even 2 week old- I need some peace and quiet! Needless to say, they've been watching more shows and playing more games on the computer than they have in a looonnnng time...:glare:

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