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General Anesthesia?

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My friend is scheduled to have a D+C next week. She has never had General Anesthesia . I have had it, twice. Once when I was 4 for tonsils, and one when I was around 23 for my wisdom teeth(had to get it done in hospital).


She is a heavy smoker, and takes meds for her BP. She is very scared of being put under, because of those reasons. I told her she should stop smoking now if she is so nervous. The Dr just told her she should not have a cigarette for 12 hours prior to surgery. That sounds odd to me? How dangerous is this for her? She is 43.


Do people generally have a bad experience with a General? I remember when I was 23 having an IV and I was OUT. Scary. I also remember just "not being there" and when I woke up, I was crying and shaking. Not sure why. But I know for me, I didn't like being in a place that was a "blank" being under. Don't remember when I was 4....LOL


She is very nervous, but her Doc said everything will be fine. And with her BP(controlled), I would think she would be at higher risk.


I am worried for her, but do not want to show it. I just keep saying she will be fine.


Can you offer any similar experiences? (Esp those who are smokers, or HBP)


Thank you:D

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I have done fine with general anesthesia, multiple times, but have no risk factors. I have chosen spinal anesthesia multiple times. I had a major myomectomy on my uterus with a spinal and am preparing for knee surgery with the same.


She has the right to ask the doctors, especially the anesthesiologist about simply going with a spinal -- she can stay awake and won't lose her independent breathing and consciousness -- unless she wants "happy drugss" to make the memory of the event go away.


Best wishes

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She should arrange a pre-op interview with an anesthesiologist before hand to allay her fears. She should discuss both options and the afteraffects she can expect with them as well as the anxiety control options.


She should also be very honest with the nursing staff and the anesth. immediately before she goes in the O.R. - true weight, how she is feeling and if her anxiety is rising. The last time I had to go under, a patient a few bays over was having trouble controlling her anxiety but I could hear from her answers to the staff that she wasn't admitting to herself that she was becoming very anxious. They did give her something for it, but I had to listen to the rising tension for a good 40 minutes (unexpected delay in my OR) - frankly I figured she was going to start something physical and she was definitely affecting my ability to meditate while waiting.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
My friend is scheduled to have a D+C next week. She has never had General Anesthesia .

Can you offer any similar experiences?)


Thank you:D


She has the right to ask the doctors, especially the anesthesiologist about simply going with a spinal -- she can stay awake and won't lose her independent breathing and consciousness -- unless she wants "happy drugss" to make the memory of the event go away.


I had a d&c with my first miscarriage and was not under general anesthesia or a spinal. For the life of me, I can't remember what I was given (9 years ago and I was waaaaaay out of it due to sadness and stress) but it was something like the "happy" drug described above. I was fully awake (talked the whole way through, apparently) but had no memory of the procedure. I did not care for that but it was better than a general or spinal. I didn't have any health problems and have never smoked but it was a less worrisome option regardless. If she's concerned, she should ask her doctor about other options.

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I didn't know you could get a spinal for a D+C. She has had this before, since she had 2 C-Sections. I will tell her to ask about it. I think it is less riskier, since spinals are given all the time for deliveries. Only this time, she doesn't get a baby out of it. :-(


I will tell her about the smoking thing, 48 hours. And if no spinal, to see if they will give her some kind of Benzo to relax her.


Thanks ladies:001_smile:

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