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Recommendation for French program


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I really can't see taking any more onto our schedule. However, both of my dc have expressed an interest in learning French. I am not sure if I will

a) wait till next year

b) attempt to teach them

c) find something that they can learn from a bit on their own and then pursue it more next year


Having written that, I know I am leaning towards the last choice. So, are there any low cost, low effort on my part programs anyone can recommend?

Perhaps just some cds or dvds and maybe some picture books to start out?

My dc are 9 and 7.



Thanks, Woolybear

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Are you a french speaker yourself? If so you might be able to piece something together on your own as a start. Otherwise the two programs that I've looked at are nallenart and MP's french program. Of the two I prefer the scope and sequence of MP's program. It's made for children slightly older than yours but if you have some familiarity with the language you might be able to tailor it to their needs. Perhaps someone else will chime in who's actually used one of these. I'll be checking back for suggestions.

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We're using both programs (Nallenart and MP). I do not speak French so while I like First Start French (from MP) I did feel that it needed more practice work for each lesson. We added L'Art de lire to give my older dd more practice. I also liked the phonics approach too. Since FSF has an audio where the speaker speaks too quickly I felt like we were not making progress with oral French. L'Art de lire helps fill this gap. I also liked how L'Art de lire was something my younger dd could do allowing her to participate with us.

Edited by Kfamily
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