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Teaching my girls virtues

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I am looking for a good study for young girls on virtues from a chrstian prospective. My step dd10 was here this weekend and it is a constant battle over how she wants to dress. Her mother does not dress in an appropriate manner IMO, and she is teaching her the same ways. I am always talking to my girls about things like this but I wanted something to kind of hold my hand to teach them from God's word. Any ideas?

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I recommend the book For Girls Only by Sheila Doom. Mrs. Doom is a pastor's wife. She and her husband came to our church to speak at our missionary conference last year and she is a dear, precious older woman with much wisdom. She brought a case of these books and all the young ladies received a copy. Dd17 says, "It's the best!" at addressing this issue. The subtitle of the book is "A Loving Appeal for Modesty in an Immodest World."

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This looks great. BTW how is TOG working for you in the age differences of your girls?



It's going great, thanks. I can pay special attention to dd12 as we dig deeper, while keeping it light with my younger ones. For example, we are studying the American Revolution, and while I study the causes and specific battles, digging deep with dd12, my younger ones enjoy biographies of George Washington, Ben Franklin, and study the period on a much more superficial level. We are really enjoying it.




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I am looking for a good study for young girls on virtues from a chrstian prospective. My step dd10 was here this weekend and it is a constant battle over how she wants to dress. Her mother does not dress in an appropriate manner IMO, and she is teaching her the same ways. I am always talking to my girls about things like this but I wanted something to kind of hold my hand to teach them from God's word. Any ideas?


Tread lightly lest you breed resentment. She's her mom and you could easily offend and alienate her if isn't handled carefully. Relationships are ultimately the most important thing in this situation and I'm sure you don't want your stepdaughter caught in the middle.




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Tread lightly lest you breed resentment. She's her mom and you could easily offend and alienate her if isn't handled carefully. Relationships are ultimately the most important thing in this situation and I'm sure you don't want your stepdaughter caught in the middle.





Thanks for the thoughts, I would never say anything bad about her mother to her. I do try to teach her our beliefs and let her know that is how we feel and everyone has different opinions and beliefs. It is hard though because we have two younger than her and of course her ways influence them. That is why I was hoping for a study to guide me through the word of God to teach these things so our girls would know it is not just from our lips and minds but from the heart of our Lord.

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Thanks for the thoughts, I would never say anything bad about her mother to her. I do try to teach her our beliefs and let her know that is how we feel and everyone has different opinions and beliefs. It is hard though because we have two younger than her and of course her ways influence them. That is why I was hoping for a study to guide me through the word of God to teach these things so our girls would know it is not just from our lips and minds but from the heart of our Lord.


It *is* hard. Siblings are peers, simply put. It's difficult to draw the line with my older kids in order to allow them appropriate freedom of expression without the younger kids thinking the same things are okay for them, and they are all our biological kids...no step relationships mucking up the works :)



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