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Algebra II or Geometry

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Either will work. Here is my 'strongest' argument for Geometry next...


Geometry has the prerequisite of Algebra 1. Students will use Algebra 1 skills in any good Geometry program.


If a student works Geometry after Algebra 2 they will have a whole year to forget the Algebra 2 skills--as they will NOT use them in Geometry. Pre-Calc texts will offer sparse review if any--so these students are at a disadvantage.


Also the concepts in Algebra 2 are a bit more abstract than Algebra 1--and students usually benefit from a year in between for maturity sake.


The only time I ever recommend Algebra 2 before Geometry is with young students (taking Algebra 2 BEFORE high school) as they have plenty of time to review or PREFERABLY re-work an Algebra 2 program before moving on to college level maths.

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Another possibility to consider is to study them simultaneously. One of my kids is working through Saxon Geometry together with Foerster's Algebra II/Trig. Saxon's geometry text includes ongoing review problems for algebra, and Foerster's has a somewhat different approach to algebra than Saxon (more practice on graphing and proofs, for instance). Combining Saxon with Foersters provides a nice balance, and eliminates the problem of pushing algebra aside in favor of geometry for an entire school year.

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Another possibility to consider is to study them simultaneously.

This is what my daughter is doing: Alg. II and geometry concurrently, but over two years. She is in the second year and is set to finish up in early April. She will then start precalculus. We are using Chalkdust for all of the courses.

We alternate a chapter of geometry with a chapter o Alg. II.



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He was saying that geometry requires the use of Algebra 1 and trig/calc requires Algebra 2. So we are doing it this way:


Algebra 1


Algebra 2




We're using LOF and my oldest is doing well. As soon as the Pre-Algebra text is released, my middle will switch to LOF as well. I'd heard something about the prealg text coming out in November.


Oldest was using Saxon and not doing well at all! That's where middle is now - Saxon and not doing well.

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