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Does anyone use Considering God's Creation?

Tia in Wa

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I am using it w/ my 10 yo dd and my 8 yo son has used some of it as well. Next year I plan to use it for 8yo and 6yo (they will be 9 and 7 at the time) along with Galloping the Globe. It is very easy to use and implement for the teacher. There are a lot of cut and glue type projects so it would not work well for a student that did not like that kind of stuff. I have liked it and dd has liked it also. If you have any other questions about it-just ask, :)


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It is a wonderful and flexible science curriculum for multi-age teaching. All of my boys enjoyed it, especially the Science Detective pages. It probably works best for 2-5th graders, but I have used it for a 1st grade (may need some help from Mom) and 6th grader (may want to supplement a bit) with equally good results!

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I am thinking about this for my ds 10 (5th grade) and dd 8 (3rd grade). Thank you all so much the info. here has been so helpful :):)


My oldest is just finishing Our Planet Earth and will be starting Weather soon. There is a definite Young Earth bias, but if you are fine with that you should like them. The lessons are pretty short and the activities have been doable so far.


The Botany series are for younger ages and the rest, I believe, are for older ages.



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I don't know what Young Earth is :confused:.


The idea that the Bible is literal vs. figurative and that then the earth is only thousands of years old instead of millions. There are old earth creationists, but among creationists I think the young earth stance is more common.


Answers in Genesis is is a good site to visit for young earth, and in fact they just recently bought the God's Design series from the original writers.




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I am thinking about this for my ds 10 (5th grade) and dd 8 (3rd grade). Thank you all so much the info. here has been so helpful :):)


I also used it when we used Galloping the globe.... Its pretty easy to follow and will offer a nice note book for your kids when they are done... *Ü*

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A quick question about Considering...

Do you tear the pages out of the binding of the notebook and 3 hole them (put in other binder) or do you keep the pages bound and just tear out and use the ones that you need to glue onto other pages? kwim?


I did... but I made copies of them and kept the original for re sale. I let my daughter create her own cover for the binger. It was a 1 inch binder.

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DOH.... That's what I meant to say. I made copies and then placed them in a notebook.


You should check out the CGC yahoo group. In the files sections they supply lists for each chapter, extra activities and more. It is very helpful.


Now I am thinking of doing this again with my younger 2... HUM... Can I fit 1 more thing in??? :o)



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