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Any advice on Art curriculum?


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I am currently using "Drawing with Children" approach with very basic line elements practice on daily basis with my DS8 and DD6. They enjoy doing it each day for 5-10 minutes.


I just don't know how to move forward at this moment.


Have anyone been using DWC program and if so can you give me some more info. and advice how to move forward?


Or does anyone have any suggestion with different approaches?


Much appreciated in advance,


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I have been mostly unschooling for art, but I have a few different things that I think are pretty good.






Artistic Pursuits



I have the K-3 level. I bought all of the supplies and I have them available. When my kids feel moved to do art they can pick something from the book and do it (and they often want to). They haven't been following it in order (but it doesn't need to be done that way).


I have and like both of those suggestions!


If you want something planned and all-in-one, go with AP.


If you want to do something free form, I loved doing artist study using DGA, plus Art in Story (below), plus Venezia biographies and other picture books, plus having a "gallery" on a hallway wall with 6 or so prints from a single artist for a month or so. Very fun.



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Hello Everyone,


I really appreciate everyone's kind and prompt responses. I went into all of the websites you recommended and I found them all very helpful. It is very encouraging to find more resources related to DWC book in pursuing art with my kids and to discover many other resources too.


Thanks a lot,


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To learn about art techniques my wannabe-artist 9yo dd loves Creativity Express; here's a link:




For under $20 you can get a year-long subscription to the online version. At first I thought it was a fun extra-type program but have found it to be detailed and interesting. It allows the user to try out different art techniques online. They earn "prizes" -- famous paintings for their own collection. During breaks from schoolwork I often find my daughter doing the art lessons on this site - over and over again. She has learned quite a bit -- painlessly and on her own.


We also do many other art activities at home in addition to this - all my kids paint, frequently. The two oldest also sketch. They like to enter art contests, and often win prizes. I like to incorporate art in some of their other studies, for example when we read a story from "Greek Myths" my dd will do a pastel sketch.


Just wanted to mention these ideas, there are many ways to incorporate art into your week.

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I have and like both of those suggestions!


If you want something planned and all-in-one, go with AP.


If you want to do something free form, I loved doing artist study using DGA, plus Art in Story (below), plus Venezia biographies and other picture books, plus having a "gallery" on a hallway wall with 6 or so prints from a single artist for a month or so. Very fun.




Stephanie, this looks like a terrific resource. Do you have it on hand and use it? If so, could it be stretched to 6th grade?

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  • 4 weeks later...

The kids and I are enjoying The Draw Squad this year. The book has cute and silly line drawings but teaches techniques, like foreshortening and shading, through these simple drawings. Even though they haven't had much in the way of lessons before (my oldest had a couple of minor classes but DS hasn't had anything), they are doing fine with it. They are feeling successful, learning, and getting better.

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We are doing art appreciation/art history using "Discovering Great Artists."

I have constructed an art time line and have chosen six artists from several time periods to study. I do a little research on each artist to discuss with the kids and then we do an art project using each artists' technique. I am looking for art appreciation with this one since neither of my kiddos are artistically inclined.

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