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Looking at MCT HELP!


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My 12 year old daughter needs a grammar program that is not R&S (she disliked it a lot). I am looking at MCT. Where would you start a child that is new to MCT and what do I *need* to implement the program. I would also be interested in opinions about MCT's writing/vocab/poetry programs. I am thinking Voyages would be a good starting point, but I am wanting advice.



Edited by hscherger
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I'm in the same boat. I just started my dd12 on MCT Grammar Town. I am pleased with what I've seen in the books so far. We've only just started this week.


We used R&S for a very little while. It's a thorough program. But I changed my mind and decided to hold off on grammar instruction until grade 7 or 8. Now I feel she is really ready and able to learn it, in much less time. She had previous experience with nouns, actions verbs, adjectives - all very, very basic. The town level seems just right for her.


There was a thread a while back on MCT:



...and the MCTLA forum is a good place to ask about placement.


I will be using the writing in Town as fun add-ons to CW (our main writing curr.) I don't think *I* would do well with MCT as our main writing curr. There's not enough instruction for *me* as the teacher, and I would be unsure of how to give feedback on the assignments.


That's my 2 cents, HTH,


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Heather, call Royal Fireworks Press and see what level they recommend you start with. They'll ask you about your child's strengths and weaknesses and make a suggestion from there. This is our first year with MCT. We have finished Grammar Voyage and are about 1/3rd of the way through Caesar's English II and Practice Voyage. We are in our second week of World of Poetry and Essay Voyage. We have followed the gradual implementation recommended on the MCT site. So far, the program rocks our socks off. Some of the vocabulary words my 11 yo ds is learning are the same ones my freshman in ps hs is learning.:tongue_smilie: The thread that was linked earlier should lead you to several of the MCT users who I'm sure would be happy to answer any questions you have.

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My 12 year old daughter needs a grammar program that is not R&S (she disliked it a lot). I am looking at MCT. Where would you start a child that is new to MCT and what do I *need* to implement the program. I would also be interested in opinions about MCT's writing/vocab/poetry programs. I am thinking Voyages would be a good starting point, but I am wanting advice.




Ooh, at 12 I'm not sure which way I would have gone. We started Town a month before dd turned 11. We will be finished with it by the winter holidays. So around 8 months. If we would have stretched the grammar, it would have been a years worth of school. My dd is fairly strong in grammar and writes very well. The reason we chose the town level and not Voyage was for the poetics and I wanted to start with Caesar's English I. I knew we would move quickly through the grammar, but we got to a point in the book where I was definitely glad that I started at the level I did. Once I'm completely finished with the level, I will post a more detailed review. I'm still coming out of the haze that was CW, but I'm trying to look at the Paragraph Town with fresher eyes. So far, I really like what I see.


Call them, though. Starting with the Voyage level might be fine.


Swimmermom: You started with the Voyage level? How is the poetry and writing at that level?

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I started my 13yo son in the Voyage level. He had previously done Hake (Saxon) Grammar 6 and 8 previously and it did not stick well. So far, he's finding the Voyage level to be on the easy side (I would hope!) but I can also see that it's building big picture understanding that he didn't have before. I also have the Magic Lens 1 materials, and I know that starting him there would have been a mistake.

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I called RFWP and we are going with the Grammar Town basic kit. :001_smile: They were very helpful and I can't wait to receive the package! Thank you all for your input.


I was thinking that this was what you should do... and VOILA! Dr.K comes to the same conclusion. You will LOVE it!

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