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Computer tech support needed Pleeeeeease.

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This morning I was on WTM boards and my computer was running fine.


My battery died while on line, and when I plugged it back in, and turned it on, I got a blue screen with lots of words :D (hows that for descriptive) and it said that it couldn't "find my hard drive". It asked if I wanted to run a scan to diagnose the problem. I started to run the scan and instead just powered off my computer by holding down the power button.


When I restarted again, everything came back up like nothing had happened, I signed in fine. It offered to restore my last session, I declined. I didn't navigate anywhere but instead ran a full scan with Trend Micro Intenet Security (the only one installed on my computer- is uptodate and current.) It didn't find any threats other than a few cookies.


I restarted my computer and it has been working fine since.



Here are my questions: Does this seem like a fluke or like a warning that something is going to crash? Is there another program I should run on my computer to make sure I don't have a nasty bug invading that Trend Micro missed? Do you have any other ideas?



I have a Dell XPS laptop and run Vista.

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