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WTM, First Lessons & WWE...Help!

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We were unschooling, but I got stuck when it came to my child learning grammar and writing etc, so we decided now that some structuring may be necessary.


I have bought some of your books from Amazon, the WTM, First Language Lessons and Writing With Ease - Strong Fundamentals.


I don't know if it is just me, but I am getting confused with all of this information and I really don't know where to start or organize reading and using the books with my children.


It seems I need a lot of time just to read through each book then the resources in WTM are so many and different from what I can get in UK so I feel that I am getting stuck.


.... Seems like I am panicking.


I also don't know what the WWE workbooks 1-3 are for, or whether or not are necessary to purchase with the WWE fundamentals. I have seen the preview pages in Amazon, some of the narrations are similar (e.g from Laura Ingalls), but then you have others such as from Pinocchio and I am not understanding how to use these books correctly isolated, or together or what difference it would make either way.


I hope you can give me some guidance as to the differences in approaches used in WTM, WWE and First Language Lessons for language and grammar, etc, and give a brief outline of the objectives/outcomes of using them.



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I'm not sure if you're meaning to talk to the author, but I can maybe try to answer a few questions.


Firstly, TWTM can be very confusing for beginners. If you are confident in your unschooling path then I would probably suggest shelving it.


FLL Level 1 and 2 (in one book) can be used without workbooks. Not a lot of prep is needed. It's scripted for you just read one lesson a day or figure out a schedule that works for you. The book tells you if you need anything else for the lesson like paper and pencil.


FLL Level 3 has a workbook that is used with the book. The main book is scripted and relatively easy to follow.


WWE- I am using levels 1 and 3 with my boys. Definitely get the workbooks. It'll make so much more sense than the smaller hard bound book. I find that I don't need the original text. The workbook lays it all out for you.


I hope I answered some of your questions.

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We were unschooling, but I got stuck when it came to my child learning grammar and writing etc, so we decided now that some structuring may be necessary.


I have bought some of your books from Amazon, the WTM, First Language Lessons and Writing With Ease - Strong Fundamentals.


I don't know if it is just me, but I am getting confused with all of this information and I really don't know where to start or organize reading and using the books with my children.



Welcome to the boards!


I recommend first sitting down with The Well-Trained Mind and reading up on the areas that you are specifically interested in -- writing and grammar. I believe this is covered in chapter 5.


We use First Language Lessons (grammar) and Writing with Ease (writing). They are super easy to use once you start! I do recommend the workbooks for Writing with Ease. I have the hardcover book that you referred to (Writing with Ease - Strong Fundamentals), but I prefer the pick up and go approach of the workbooks, rather than trying to pull my own items together.


We use First Language Lessons three times a week and Writing with Ease four times a week.


I know that there are other board members here from the UK. Hopefully, we can get them to chime in! :)

Edited by Heather in WI
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Hi thanks everyone for your feedback and for the welcome.


It seems most of you are using the workbooks more than the text. I only have the text and can't figure out the difference between them.


Do the workbooks have more practice in them as in more narrations etc?


If everyone is using the workbooks then what is the main purpose of the WWESF text book?


Any ideas?


Best wishes

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I have bought some of your books from Amazon, the WTM, First Language Lessons and Writing With Ease - Strong Fundamentals.


It seems most of you are using the workbooks more than the text. I only have the text and can't figure out the difference between them.


First came WTM. Then came FLL, then came WWE, then came WWE workbooks. WTM lays out principles of studying grammar and writing. FLL gives the grammar lessons, plus shows you occasionally how to conduct the WTM-described writing - copywork, dictation, or narration sessions. WWE text book takes those WTM writing principles, as demonstrated occasionally in FLL, and lays out a specific weekly plan, for four years. It gives sample weeks, showing you how to conduct writing sessions, then tells you how to conduct the next 6 or so weeks, with your own reading material. It tells you what to look for in reading material. You can use this WWE plan "across the curriculum" - applied to history/science/literature. The WWE workbooks give you 36 weeks worth of material, in case you don't want to come up with your own material from the instructions in the text book.


So - FLL is the grammar part of the WTM plan, and WWE is the writing part. You can use both together - WWE will reinforce the grammar being learned in FLL. And if you use WWE (text book or workbook), you can skip the copywork/dictation and narration lessons in FLL if you want to.


There are many of us who do use just the text book. I do, and I like the freedom to apply the principles to our own reading.

Edited by Colleen in NS
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I agree Kalah, TWTM can be very confusing for beginners. I am not very confident in our unschooling path as I feel a little disorganized at present. I need something more for the children to learn from.


Thank you Colleen and Tam for explaining it further.


Colleen you put in a nutshell. I also like the freedom to apply our principles to our own reading but we could do with more practice and it seems that Susan has put in a lot of effort by adding narrations etc which may work out slightly more economical than getting the books. Plus by doing the narrations exercises etc my children will have a better idea of what type of books they really like to read.


I'm grateful to all of you who have replied.


Best Wishes

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TWTM can be very confusing for beginners.


I could have put it a little more succinctly, too - WWE takes all the writing suggestions in grammar stage of WTM (history/science/literature), and condenses them into one book - weekly plan for four years. It makes it a lot easier than trying to figure it all out from WTM.


Welcome to the boards! I found that, as I got going with using WTM as a guide, that it actually gave me the freedom I liked when I was more of an unschooling mindset earlier on. It's organized freedom. :)

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Thanks Colleen! :)


When I was unschooling I was finding difficulty in teaching my children how to summarise and write about various subjects.


Hopefully, through these books we have the resources we now need.


Organized freedom is the best term for it!


Best Wishes

Edited by Sameera
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