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School Gang Rape, Kidnappings walking home etc.

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:iagree:completely. I am certain that had ANY of these episodes occured on school grounds or at a school event most schools would be stepping up making every effort to ensure that it never happened again.


Columbine comes to mind. That school made many changes following the Columbine shootings to help ensure the future safety of their students. In fact, many schools across the country made changes as a result of Columbine.


I also have a problem with posts like this that vilify public schools. We homeschoolers would be angry if someone from the public schools posted something like this but put the blame on homeschooling. Even if the events did not take place at a homeschooling event or at a homeschooling location.


Doesn't exactly seem fair to do this to them but get ticked if they do it to us.


After reading further I did notice that the rape occured in the school courtyard. That is disturbing. Sorry about not reading all the through the info. before posting.


I do ask this though, how do we know that the school isn't implementing new standards in an effort to ensure that this doesn't happen again? Yes, it is bad that it happened on school grounds but if the school in question changes their policies as a result then I would say that they are trying to better protect the students there.

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Well, perceptions and statistics aside, I cannot absolutely guarantee the safety of my children, but I am certainly going to err on the side of caution when it comes to what some may call overprotectiveness. I'll at least make it harder for the bad guys to get them, whether there are lots of bad guys or only a few. They'll have to come through me. And my kids will continue to start college with their handy dandy mace at their sides!

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After reading further I did notice that the rape occured in the school courtyard. That is disturbing. Sorry about not reading all the through the info. before posting.


I do ask this though, how do we know that the school isn't implementing new standards in an effort to ensure that this doesn't happen again? Yes, it is bad that it happened on school grounds but if the school in question changes their policies as a result then I would say that they are trying to better protect the students there.



They should have already had those policies in place. It's just not that complicated. They should have known better. There is enough of a record of violence on school grounds that, while they might not expect a two hour long gang rape to occur on their grounds, they should have been watchful for anything out of place.

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Well, perceptions and statistics aside, I cannot absolutely guarantee the safety of my children, but I am certainly going to err on the side of caution when it comes to what some may call overprotectiveness. I'll at least make it harder for the bad guys to get them, whether there are lots of bad guys or only a few. They'll have to come through me. And my kids will continue to start college with their handy dandy mace at their sides!
This is what DH says!
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Yes. When I went to school dances they wouldn't let us out before the end. Then parents picked up their kids. While it wasn't 100% full proof I'm sure it helped.


That sounds like a much safer idea:) I was surprised that they did not think that kids would be hanging around outside on the school grounds. I remember a kid that they always would hang around outside at dances and such. Thank goodness though nothing like that happened.

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