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Ick, blech, shudder, patooie. Can we talk blackheads?

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I know, um, someone that I'm related to but I can't say who that has these huge blackheads in his/her ears. He/she (who shall remain ageless and nameless) isn't that bothered by them -- but I am! How do you get those out of there? Will they be there forever? What does his/her future hold???? He/she is a dear and of course this is so trivial; but while I used to have blackheads at his/her age, nothing like this. Help?!

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They will not last forever and they will be helped by eating more raw food. I didn't think my diet was that bad, but when I started getting a bit more raw foodie, just by having a salad twice a day, my skin really improved. There's a gross story I could tell you to illustrate the point, but I won't.




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If the person is a young person at the ages most prone to skin flare-ups, this will get better with time. Encourage thoroughly scrubbing out the ears to help exfoliate the skin.


A person in my house had the same problem a few years back and when it was discovered this person came to me begging me to please "do something!" Hot compresses loosen blackheads, and a gentle push on them with the rounded edge of a traditional hair pin or some other rounded wire-type device will often expel the "contents". Obviously, any implements used should be cleaned very carefully before and after, and should be used very gently and carefully.


Diet does make a difference, and I firmly believe that getting enough water to drink is a good place to start with many skin conditions.

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