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How do I get the pink color out of my whites?

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I turned a set of clothes pink once.

Caught it before the drier and soaked the load with bleach for a while (don't recall if it was for a couple hours or overnight). Got the pink out, but I probably used a bit too much bleach.

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I turned a set of clothes pink once.

Caught it before the drier and soaked the load with bleach for a while (don't recall if it was for a couple hours or overnight). Got the pink out, but I probably used a bit too much bleach.


I did this once, too, to a load full of my ex-husband's underwear, back when we were married. Thank heavens everything was originally white. I soaked it in a bleach solution and it all turned white again.

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My load had a bunch of t-shirts that did have printing on them. I probably used about a cup of bleach (maybe less) to a full load of water and the pink came out but the printing did not.


Of course if there are better things to try first, try them. I do think that soaking made the shirts wear out faster than they otherwise would have.

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I got this out washing again (several times if I remember right) on hot. The dye isn't set unless you put them in the dryer. I washed until the pink was completely gone and then dried and everything looked good.


My back up was the RIT or Carbona dye remover and I'd suggest that but you may not need it.

Edited by sbgrace
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is that it is sort of a mix of lights. So anything printed, or yellow, will bleach out. Other ideas than bleach?




Here's my thought...(I too have always used bleach to get it out.) If you consider them ruined or unwearable as is, then bleach can't do any less damage. And if anything you'll have nice whites again. I even had a shirt with one red sleeve, one navy blue sleeve and a colored collar and the rest was white. I love it; somebody gave it to me, but the white portion was gray. I bleached it. And everything sparkled. The whites were white, the red was bright and so was the navy. Go figure. Anyway, if you're not bold enough to use bleach, try the oxy spray on that. I had a pink shirt that bled over some other clothes and used the oxy spray and that removed it as well.

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My husband did his uniforms today...can I say Thank God he did it...because he washed a new pair of pants and they bled all over his white police tops.


So...he used bleach. Now..the patches are faded. I would stay away from bleach.


I just wanted you to know you are not alone today!!

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bleached all the rest of it! It's in the dryer now and I *think* it all came out white. Kind of blindinglyy white, but at least not pink! Got my fingers crossed for taking it out in a couple minutes. Thanks for commiserating with me!



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