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dresser in disguise

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I plan to turn an old dresser into a kitchen island I am going to top it with a piece of butcher block (I think....if I can afford it)...and I want to make it big enough to hang over the edge so I can put a chair or a bar stool or something next to it. My question is how far over the edge should it go...a foot, bigger, smaller...what do you think?? ANd how tall should it be?





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I plan to turn an old dresser into a kitchen island I am going to top it with a piece of butcher block (I think....if I can afford it)...and I want to make it big enough to hang over the edge so I can put a chair or a bar stool or something next to it. My question is how far over the edge should it go...a foot, bigger, smaller...what do you think?? ANd how tall should it be?






Love the idea - we did it. We had a sideboard that was counter height and that is a good place to start (easier to find seating). Depending on the surface area, you should ask a cabinet our counter top maker -- ours was about 30 inches across and we were okay-ed for a 6 inch overhand - which is actually quite alot. Send pix when you finish! :001_smile:

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This is an AWESOME idea!! (My mother took an old dresser and fixed it up for her kitchen...I liked the idea so much that now I'm on the hunt for an old dresser for my kitchen.)


I think an island should be a comfortable working height -- maybe slightly higher than your waist? As far as the overhang, I would think around 10" would be good. (that's the amount of overhang I have on my permanent island with bar stools)

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I plan to remove 4 of the six drawers and put in a shelf for taller items and use the other 2 drawers for storage. Paint it the color of my kitchen (which is a tuscany green)...but now as I thinking about it, how awkward would it be to get to the storage by climbing under the top part??? hmmm...what do you think???

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I plan to remove 4 of the six drawers and put in a shelf for taller items and use the other 2 drawers for storage. Paint it the color of my kitchen (which is a tuscany green)...but now as I thinking about it, how awkward would it be to get to the storage by climbing under the top part??? hmmm...what do you think???



I guess I don't see the practicality of this if the overhang going to be on the side that the drawers are. If it is, I wouldn't like it much if the overhang is deep at all. We have a 12" overhang and we have a cupboard under it in the corner. The cupboard stores items that I rarely use, and even then I really dread climbing under there.


If you can make the butcher block off centered on the top, so that there isn't an overhang on the side with the drawers, I can envision that being more useful.


Since the shelves are going to be thin and deep, I can imagine that it may be a great place to store pans, serving dishes or other large items. If you left the drawer in and if they were sturdy, with good runners, it could be nice for smaller lightweight items like boxes of pasta, cereals or such. I think I would find it annoying to have to open drawers to get to my food though. I am more of an open-the-pantry-wide-and-stand-there-staring-at things type person. I may use it for hand towels, or other kitchen tools, things like foil or wrap.

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