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The Twins Turn NINE Tomorrow!!!!!

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WHERE does the time go?!?!?!?!?!?! :001_huh: With all the upheaval with the house sustaining alot of damage from a leaky pipe while we were on vacation and our having to move into a hotel while the repairs are being done.......the twins' NINTH birthday has kind of snuck up on me!


And, it DOES seem like just yesterday that they were born! But, I also have a 30 year old, and it seems like she just born last week!


As for the twins, I think that I finally stopped asking, 'When does it get better?' about 3 or 4 months ago! :lol:

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It does get easier doesn't it. My twins (my youngest) turned 9 Wednesday :)



CONGRATS to yout twins!!!!!!! My grand daughter was 6 on Wednesday AND my mother turned 76 on Wednesday! And you and I both know that EASIER is a relative term!


Congratulations! :D


If I ever have twins I'm going to forget you said that last bit.


Ahem! I have a friend who had twins 16 months before I had mine. When I called to tell her I was having twins, she howled.....and howled.......and, well you get the idea. When mine were born, I would call her every once in awhile and ask her when it gets better. She would ask how old they were, I would say (for example), '7 months old' and she would answer with great confidence, '8 months! You will see great improvement at 8 months.' And she and I played this little game for a VERY.LONG.TIME! And, yes, you will forget that I said it, b/c the BRAIN FOG of the first year is so bad you will not be able to remember your own name! :w00t:

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Guest RecumbentHeart
And, yes, you will forget that I said it, b/c the BRAIN FOG of the first year is so bad you will not be able to remember your own name! :w00t:


Oh mercy .. I can barely remember anyone's name as it is. Well, at least not the first few times I attempt to call them. :lol: You'd think the odds are that I would get it right the first time at least one time out of every three but no ... I simply must call the other two children before I get to the right one. Oh, and someone asked me what my baby's middle name was the other week and I was like, "Errr ........:mellow:............... what did I name him?" :lol:

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Oh mercy .. I can barely remember anyone's name as it is. Well, at least not the first few times I attempt to call them. :lol: You'd think the odds are that I would get it right the first time at least one time out of every three but no ... I simply must call the other two children before I get to the right one. Oh, and someone asked me what my baby's middle name was the other week and I was like, "Errr ........:mellow:............... what did I name him?" :lol:


:lol::lol::lol:...and you don't already have twins!:confused:


The first night we were home from the hospital with them, we had cribs in our room and I was still on bedrest. Every flipping hour DH would bring me another crying baby -- I changed the diaper, I fed the baby (notice I am NOT saying HOW I fed the baby), and called dh to put the baby back in the crib. THEN, he would show up with another baby that was screaming! I was SO bleary-eyed I truly did not know who I was holding in my arms -- in fact, at one point, he said to me, 'here is Eden' and I said, no I'm giving you Eden, you have Michael, and for about 30 seconds we actually stood there and continued this inane discussion.


I STILL on a daily basis call DD10 by DD30's name.......every single day!

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Oh happy birthday to your twin spins. My twin girls will turn 12 in January. Where does the time go? I'm with you. And I have a 27 year old. Yikes. They all grow so very fast. It's way sad. My twins were my 8th and 9th children. After that, and the birth of 3 more kids time just started to fly because of crazy busyness.:001_huh:

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Oh happy birthday to your twin spins. My twin girls will turn 12 in January. Where does the time go? I'm with you. And I have a 27 year old. Yikes. They all grow so very fast. It's way sad. My twins were my 8th and 9th children. After that, and the birth of 3 more kids time just started to fly because of crazy busyness.:001_huh:


You have my undying respect! I marvel at women like you -- G-d bless you! and thank you for the birthday wishes! My granddaughter turned six on Wednesday -- it just all goes by in a blink!:)

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Happy Birthday to your twins! I know b/g twins in the area where I live....they just turned 21. Their mom said it still wasn't "easier." LOL The worry is doubled now instead of the trouble!


My oldest son just turned 10 - where in the world does the time go? Of course *I* am 30, so we could just move right in and be your instant family...both of us! :)

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Happy Birthday to your twins! I know b/g twins in the area where I live....they just turned 21. Their mom said it still wasn't "easier." LOL The worry is doubled now instead of the trouble!


My oldest son just turned 10 - where in the world does the time go? Of course *I* am 30, so we could just move right in and be your instant family...both of us! :)


You know, I am SO aware of that here -- that most of the moms are the age of my dd30 and my dd29 and their children are the same ages as my three!

But, you cannot move in now -- we are in approx 300 sq feet (in a hotel) while our home is being repaired --how 'bout we all move in with you? :auto: :drool5:

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Happy Birthday to your twins! I hope they have a great one!


My twins are only 5, and I've laughed at the stories so far. I forever kept telling myself "It will get better when....it will get better when...." :lol:


Like you, I eventually realized once one stage gets better, something else comes along! Although I have to say things are somewhat easier than that first year. You just can't describe to someone the fog of feeding two babies back to back night after night. Sometimes I would feed each (they had to be fed separately due to their prematurity and choking issues), then pump and clean up, and by the time I could lie down again, the cycle would start over.:D I was NOT grinning then though....I just wanted to sleep!

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Happy Birthday to your twins! I hope they have a great one!


My twins are only 5, and I've laughed at the stories so far. I forever kept telling myself "It will get better when....it will get better when...." :lol:


Like you, I eventually realized once one stage gets better, something else comes along! Although I have to say things are somewhat easier than that first year. You just can't describe to someone the fog of feeding two babies back to back night after night. Sometimes I would feed each (they had to be fed separately due to their prematurity and choking issues), then pump and clean up, and by the time I could lie down again, the cycle would start over.:D I was NOT grinning then though....I just wanted to sleep!


:iagree::iagree:I literally wore my bathrobe 4EVER -- I would have enough time for a shower, but THAT was it -- not enough time to get dressed. When I finally did decide on a 'uniform' I wore a pair of sweats and an old unbelievably ratty Princeton sweatshirt that had belonged to DH. I wore that for weeks!


DS had colic and reflux and all he would do was scream -- I took to wearing a Bjorn carrier 24/7 and that was the only thing that gave us quiet. His twin sister must absolutely think that her middle name is 'you're next' because I would say constantly, "eden you're next." dd who is 19 months older walked arond with her hands over her ears saying "make them stop!"


AAHHHHHHH -- loving the trip down memory lane! BTW -- I thought that five was a particularly fun age!:001_smile: Mariann

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I'm bleary eyed at the thought.


Really, I'm just amazed that each of you that have had twins has survived to tell the tale and laugh about it now.

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.... they have a great birth date! :D


Luanne: Is your birthday today (Saturday)? If so, OOPS, my smilies won't work! Blow out the candles, have a piece of cake, and PARTY!


I'm bleary eyed at the thought.


Really, I'm just amazed that each of you that have had twins has survived to tell the tale and laugh about it now.


You know, I think it's the old saying -- if i don't laugh, I will cry!:D

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