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Remedial handwriting....help


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My kid is in 2 nd grade and he is doing kumon for the last two years.Kumon is timed and he is used to writing fast and I didn't care at that time and now I realise his handwriting is getting bad.He was attending a public school where they cared the least about handwriting.I want him to write neatly and legibly and slow down a bit because he has a tendency to rush through the work.Otherwise he is a very smart kid and I want to help him with his handwriting so that it won't be a problem in higher grades.Thanks.

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It is really good. Check out their website and you can see samples of the pages and videos of how to teach. Its supposed to be especially good for remedial help. My daughter has done well with it, and she had a terrible time w/ printing in private K. We've now switched to New American Cursive, because she's dying for cursive (and I don't like the HWT font).

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