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Whew! I just spent the last couple of hours in my ds' room...

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We're trying to "scale back" on the stuff that's in the house because we're putting our house on the market in two weeks. I've decided to go room by room and put stuff in totes that we won't miss for awhile and then put them in our pole barn (big garage). Our house is only 1200 sq. ft. and there are six ppl and two dogs living in it, so the less stuff inside, the better!


Anyway, yikes! I can't believe all the stuff we hauled to the garage. Just for some background. Last Spring break (around April) we went through their room and either threw stuff away or donated it. Most of the stuff we got rid of was thrown away. It was plenty (or so I thought at the time). Then this summer, the boy's decided they wanted to make some $$ to buy Lego's. So, they went through and gathered all the toys that they hardly played with (a little less than half) and put them in my friend's garage sale. They made $67! Then, today we pulled out EVERYTHING into the middle of their room and went through it. I can't BELIEVE the stuff they STILL had!! We ended up throwing the junk and putting half of the toys in the garage in totes. Then I vacummed (sp?) under their beds. Needless to say, I think we have to do this WAY MORE OFTEN!


I'm stressing out on how to keep my house clean enough that someone who might want to see it on a two hour notice would find it clean enough to consider buying the house. That sounded wrong, lol. Our house isn't filthy, but it IS lived in with four of us home all day/every day!


Thanks for reading my saga;).

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My best advice for cleaning before your house is shown is to stock up on laundry baskets. We could stack four in the back of our van. When we knew someone was coming to see the house and we needed to straighten in a hurry everything would go into the laundry baskets and we'd put them in the back of our vehicle when we left. It was a sanity-saving quick fix for me.

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My best advice for cleaning before your house is shown is to stock up on laundry baskets. We could stack four in the back of our van. When we knew someone was coming to see the house and we needed to straighten in a hurry everything would go into the laundry baskets and we'd put them in the back of our vehicle when we left. It was a sanity-saving quick fix for me.


You are awesome!! I would have never of thought of that. You're my hero for the day (not that's a big honor or anything):lol:.

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We'd like to put our house on the market too, but it's just too overwhelming. I don't know how I am supposed to go room by room cleaning and organizing, all by myself since dh is a work, and expect that it will stay reasonably clean. I am immobilized by it. The last time we sold a house we had much smaller sq footage to manage and just one small kid who didn't make big messes. My son just walks in to a room and it falls apart. I don't know how he does it.:confused:


Good luck in your endeavors!

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We'd like to put our house on the market too, but it's just too overwhelming. I don't know how I am supposed to go room by room cleaning and organizing, all by myself since dh is a work, and expect that it will stay reasonably clean. I am immobilized by it. The last time we sold a house we had much smaller sq footage to manage and just one small kid who didn't make big messes. My son just walks in to a room and it falls apart. I don't know how he does it.:confused:


Good luck in your endeavors!


Thank you Amy! Our situation is more of a "have to" than "want to". My dh has been working at a job that's two hours away. He was unemployed for four months prior and he couldn't find anything with a decent wage around here. After two months of him being gone all.week.long, we've had enough and need to be together as a family. Trust me, I'm stressed out about putting it on the market and if I had a choice, wouldn't;). Just the thought of getting my 15 y/o step son to keep his room clean is enough to make me run away screaming:001_huh:.

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My best advice for cleaning before your house is shown is to stock up on laundry baskets. We could stack four in the back of our van. When we knew someone was coming to see the house and we needed to straighten in a hurry everything would go into the laundry baskets and we'd put them in the back of our vehicle when we left. It was a sanity-saving quick fix for me.


What a good idea!

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Ben came out to me tonight and asked what we did with the Lincoln Logs. I told him I didn't want to tell him, because I knew he would get upset (we sold them on Ebay). He did! He wants to keep everything, but he thinks we have room for new Legos as well. ugh


We have an 1,100 sq ft house, and I'd like to get rid of more things -- like coloring books. He won't hear of it.


Then, there are art supplies galore, Playmobil, books, audio books, Mr. Potato Head (which Ben played with today), toy dishes and food (which they still love playing with. I got rid of it once, but the boys begged me to get it again.), Snap Circuits, plastic animals, blocks, marble run, etc. It's really not too much, but it's all in a really small space.

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Ben came out to me tonight and asked what we did with the Lincoln Logs. I told him I didn't want to tell him, because I knew he would get upset (we sold them on Ebay). He did! He wants to keep everything, but he thinks we have room for new Legos as well. ugh


We have an 1,100 sq ft house, and I'd like to get rid of more things -- like coloring books. He won't hear of it.


Then, there are art supplies galore, Playmobil, books, audio books, Mr. Potato Head (which Ben played with today), toy dishes and food (which they still love playing with. I got rid of it once, but the boys begged me to get it again.), Snap Circuits, plastic animals, blocks, marble run, etc. It's really not too much, but it's all in a really small space.


Oh! Don't get me started on the Mr. Potato Head!! Ds8 has a collection of them on his book case. By that I mean, a carrot, a corn on the cob, a Darth Tater and one or two more that I can't think of. I only one that I wouldn't mind him keeping would be the Darth Tater, but he wouldn't dream of doing that!

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I did the laundry baskets thing as well when we had a house on the market and two little ones, it worked really well. And I kept cookie dough in the fridge to bake a couple cookies in the toaster oven before leaving, snacks for the kids and made the house smell yummy. Our house was on the market forever, lots of trips to the park and several to Chuck E Cheese when the weather was bad.


Good luck!!

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You are awesome!! I would have never of thought of that. You're my hero for the day (not that's a big honor or anything):lol:.


Hero for the day is a HUGE deal! Especially after the day I've had. Except I didn't know I was the hero and I've totally missed it. Can I be your hero for the day starting now?

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Thank you Amy! Our situation is more of a "have to" than "want to". My dh has been working at a job that's two hours away. He was unemployed for four months prior and he couldn't find anything with a decent wage around here. After two months of him being gone all.week.long, we've had enough and need to be together as a family. Trust me, I'm stressed out about putting it on the market and if I had a choice, wouldn't;). Just the thought of getting my 15 y/o step son to keep his room clean is enough to make me run away screaming:001_huh:.





I feel your pain. This has been our situation for the past 19 months.


The only good news is, now dh got "downsized", so we're back together again. . . .albeit not how we expected. ;)

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I feel your pain. This has been our situation for the past 19 months.


The only good news is, now dh got "downsized", so we're back together again. . . .albeit not how we expected. ;)


I keep thinking this might happen with us too. I really have no basis for the feeling. I don't know if it's my natural "worrier" coming out or what;).


We just keep saying whatever the Lord leads us to is fine with us. It might be stressful, but we will ultimately be ok with whatever.

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