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Dictionary Skills


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At what age do you start your kids learning to use a dictionary? I was thinking of starting slowly with dd6. It's not in our gr. 1 WRTR curriculum- is it because it's not grade 1 work?? She's very good at putting words in alphabetical order and is always asking me the meaning of words.


Is this a good age to start? Too young?


Also, please recommend your favourite dictionary for children.



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with my ds6. I got a workbook from Rainbow Resource for pretty cheap and we started with this. It starts with alphabetizing (even to the second letter) and then moves actually locating the words in the dictionary. We are giving him a dictionary from Scholastic called Scholastic's Children Dictionary for his birthday on Friday! He loves words.

Hope this helps!

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I'm not sure that WRTR ever teaches dictionary skills, other than saying that the dictionary is the final authority for where a word is divided.


I would say 3rd or 4th grade, or after your dd has done her Spalding spelling notebook a couple of times.

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