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LA question- I have spelling and writing, I need???


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I'm using all about spelling and writing with ease. I know she'll need more, like grammar. What else and what should I use?



I always thought of elementary LA as being composed of:

- reading (readers, literature (books you read/discuss together "popcorn style" ("you read a page, I read a page"), and read-alouds)

- writing (copywork rather than writing for gr. K-3)

- handwriting (combines with copywork; along about gr. 3-4, perhaps start learning cursive)

- spelling (some start in gr. 1-2, but can easily wait until gr. 3 to start)

- phonics (mostly used in gr. K-2)

- grammar (some start earlier, but most start in gr. 3-5)

- vocabulary (doesn't have to be formal; can be natural part of reading and spelling)


Once I knew which of the subject areas we needed to include in our schedule, I'd start researching to see what resources might best help us accomplish the goal.



What we used:

- a lot of Sonlight books (reading)

- did some Sonlight dictations or made our own (grammar, copywork)

- adapted Handwriting Without Tears for cursive (handwriting)

- over the years tried a LOT of things till we finally just made our own (spelling)

- started with MCP Plaid, but ended up prefering Explode the Code (phonics)

- used lots of fun supplements and used Winston as our spine (grammar)

- used English From the Roots Up as a game for learning roots, and just read aloud a TON (vocabulary)



BEST of luck in your own LA planning and journey! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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I agree with the above poster, but I don't add vocabulary until the logic stage. :)


I'd add:

First Language Lessons

a library card

penmanship workbook if needed, or if you plan to start cursive this year (I like A Reason For Handwriting for both)

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I agree with the above poster, but I don't add vocabulary until the logic stage. :)


I'd add:

First Language Lessons

a library card

penmanship workbook if needed, or if you plan to start cursive this year (I like A Reason For Handwriting for both)



We love FLL3

We live at the library :lol:

We make our own cursive sheets here:


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