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I need help with firing someone. Advice please...

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I work part time for a family member and help him to run his business. I guess you would call me the office manager. We have hired a young man (not a kid, an adult) to work part time, around 8 to 10 hours a week. He has a really difficult time coming to work and staying. He has been working for about 2 months now (usually comes to work 2 days a week) and has been "healthy" about 2 days. He has gone home early many occasions or he can't get the job done without help when he is here because he has a headache, or a stomach ache...This week he arrived, said his doctor said he shouldn't be here, but he was going to try to work. I sent him home and did the work myself. This is physical work but I am 44 years old, in not so good health, and I don't have a problem completing it. The strange thing is he is always asking me for more hours but can never complete the hours he is supposed to work.


I am thinking I need to begin documenting what is going on here and give him a warning, etc. I want to make sure he can't come back and try to get unemployment or sick leave, etc. simply because he is unwilling to come to work and get the job done.

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My dh is a business owner and has had to fire people for some of the same reasons you mentioned.


Document every time he doesn't come to work, warnings he has been given, etc.


Once you do that, feel free to go ahead and fire him and find someone who actually wants and needs to work.

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Two steps I followed (way back when in the working world, ha!):


1- Have documentation that the employee knows what is expected of him (written job description, best if acknowledged with employee's signature).


2- Documentation that the employee is not meeting those expectations.


Just for the record, I am assuming this guy hasn't asked for any special accommodations due to health issues, I mean up front when he was hired, not the day by day "I don't feel good" stuff. If you hired him knowing beforehand that there were health issues, that might complicate matters.


I am no attorney but I have been the "boss" in an unemployment hearing, the written documentation is exactly what the judge needed to rule in my favor.

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Do you live in a "right to work" state?



He has a really difficult time coming to work and staying. He has been working for about 2 months now (usually comes to work 2 days a week) and has been "healthy" about 2 days. He has gone home early many occasions or he can't get the job done without help when he is here because he has a headache, or a stomach ache.


I'd give him written notice tomorrow. I'd verbally tell him that his health prevents him from accomplishing the tasks of the job. Tell him when he can pick up his last paycheck.

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