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Hubbies say the darndest things.

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My hubby just today me that he remembers in the 60s when hippies were standing in que for staging riots. :001_huh: Huh? Say what? :confused:


Well, at least they were polite, well mannered rioters! :tongue_smilie:


LOL Mine says funny things all the time too but usually it is language barrier related. He's been in this country for 30 years now and he still confuses "mouse" and "mouth" all the time. He cracks me up. He'll look at me very seriously and ask, "Do I have anything on my mouse?" lol Foreigners are cute! ;) :lol:

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I know I posted this before but my husband said once:


"The episium. You know, where they perform the episiotomy."










There aren't enough smilies for that statement.


LOL Yeah, it's right next to the gymnasium. :p

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We like to tease dh for his "discoveries". He is always pointing out things that he has just discovered, and thinks no one else has ever noticed. (In reality, these things have been obvious to everyone else all along.) For example, after buying and eating Joe-Joe's (yummy Oreo-like cookies from Trader Joe's), dh remarked, "Hey! I just realized...did you know they're called Joe-Joe's because they're from Trader Joe's?" Uh, yes, dear, the kid and I noticed that pretty much immediately upon seeing the package in the store.


So now whenever he "discovers" something we already knew, our standard response is, "Yes, but did you know that Joe-Joe's are named for Trader Joe's?" :lol:



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We like to tease dh for his "discoveries". He is always pointing out things that he has just discovered, and thinks no one else has ever noticed. (In reality, these things have been obvious to everyone else all along.) For example, after buying and eating Joe-Joe's (yummy Oreo-like cookies from Trader Joe's), dh remarked, "Hey! I just realized...did you know they're called Joe-Joe's because they're from Trader Joe's?" Uh, yes, dear, the kid and I noticed that pretty much immediately upon seeing the package in the store.


So now whenever he "discovers" something we already knew, our standard response is, "Yes, but did you know that Joe-Joe's are named for Trader Joe's?" :lol:




lol cute! :p

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