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do you think our rights to homeschool......

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Same with Australia and New Zealand. UNROAC has not made any difference to our rights to homeschool in either country.


I don't believe that homeschooling will be made illegal here in Australia, although I think that it may be more regulated in some areas (and I'm of the mindset that that's not necessarily a bad thing in our state)


Just curious... Can I ask what kind of regs you have currently? Do you get any funding?

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I don't believe in vast government conspiracies (generally speaking). However, it's easy for me to see rights whittled and eroded away, all with the best of intentions and unfortunate short-sightedness.




I don't know if our homeschooling rights will be taken away or not but I can "see" it happening. How many laws & regulations do we currently have because some well-meaning politician voted "yes" without even having a clue what they were voting for.


And it was asked if I would continue to homeschool even if it was illegal. Yes, I would. I homeschool out of a deeply held religious conviction. I would try to comply by perhaps coming together with other like-minded families and forming a quasi-private school but no, I will not allow my children to receive a secular education. It goes against everything I believe in.

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Just curious... Can I ask what kind of regs you have currently? Do you get any funding?

It depends on the state. Here in Victoria we need to sign a bit of paper that says we will cover the 8 Key Learning Areas according to the practices and principles of Australian democracy. Something to that effect anyway. Then every year we sign a form to say we are continuing the following year. No inspections or education plans or anything. No accountability is not always a good thing in my opinion based on a couple of people I've met. NSW requires an education plan and visits from an inspector. The rest fit somewhere in between. Queensland may be even stricter but I've never needed to look in to it. We get no money.


NZ is a bit like NSW. They do get money but I'm not sure exactly how much.

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