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SAT2s - how do you know which ones to take

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maybe this is a completely stupid question, but since they didn't have them when I went to school, I have no framework to base them one. So, I understand what they are, and kids seem to take them at all different grade levels, but if I just have middle-of-the-road kids in 10th this year, with not a whole lot of ideas on what they want to do yet, how do we select and plan for SAT 2 s? It seems most colleges want 2-3, but does it matter which ones? Are there some general ones to just plan on?


Should my kids be planning on taking one at the end of 10th?

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I would recommend taking them in May or June of the year they studied that subject. Most students take the subjects they've done well in and have enjoyed, as they'll probably want to study some before taking the test.


Do you have twins? :)



My dd took her first subject tests in January of her junior year, and she's taking her last (hooray!!) this morning. So you have some wiggle room but good for you for thinking ahead.

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Only one of the schools ds applied to required any SAT2s (University of the Pacific). Just look at the requirements of any potential schools and figure on taking 2 - 3 in areas of strength or major (U of P requires the Bio SAT2 for bio majors, for example). APs are supposedly harder than SAT2s - if prepping for an AP, see if you can slam out a corresponding SAT2 (which is what ds is doing).


SAT2s are certainly cheaper than AP tests!!!!

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A number of selective schools will want 3, each in a different subject area. Selective engineering schools often want two: math and either chemistry or physics. For students headed for life sciences, schools often accept biology as well.


I would say generally plan on one math, at least one science (chemistry is probably the best middle of the road one) and either literature or history or language (pick subjects your dc is strong in). Having those 3 should set them up well for whatever direction they take later.


For the science SAT 2's (and the math as well), it's best to take the test right after finishing the corresponding course, so the material is fresh in your dc's mind. Also do plenty of prep before the test by scanning extra textbooks and working carefully through a couple of test prep books (check reviews on Amazon or Barnes & Noble to find the best ones). For literature or languages, I've heard it's best to wait until your dc has had as much experience as possible before taking the test.


That said, we actually did Math Level 2, and all 3 sciences. I had hoped to finish off with Latin and Lit, but with ds headed for engineering anyway, and our time and energy being very limited, we opted not to pour the effort into doing those tests. And it has turned out okay. There was one college ds crossed off his list because it wanted 3 SAT2's from different areas (but only from homeschooler's! Everyone else only needed two SAT 2's!), but it wasn't one he was dying to go to either.



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