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Four-day week scheduling


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I am trying to move to a more LCC type structure, but the subjects my daughter absolutely loves are science and history. So I'm thinking of doing core subjects 4 days a week and science and history on the 5th. We would probably do core subjects on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri, and then science/history on Wed. Do you think this would work?

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I am trying to move to a more LCC type structure, but the subjects my daughter absolutely loves are science and history. So I'm thinking of doing core subjects 4 days a week and science and history on the 5th. We would probably do core subjects on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri, and then science/history on Wed. Do you think this would work?


I find that to get through a year's worth of the basics on a four day schedule -- and I'm just talking Latin and math -- my days have to be longer or I have to go year-round. Are you going to make your Latin & math days longer on M, Tu, Th & F by doing no science and history on those days, and then give an hour each to science and history on Wednesday?

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I work from home 5 hours a day, so by the time we finish with our core subjects, there is little time for the "extras." So I figured if I did history and science (which require a little more preparation than the core subjects) on Wednesday, which is my day off, that would leave plenty of time for them and I wouldn't feel like I had to rush through the core subjects.


Thanks for responding!

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