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So how snarky is too snarky?

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We are refinancing our mortgage through the same bank that has our old mortgage. Yesterday, I got an e-mail from them letting me know what they still need from us. It includes a request for a letter asking us why *their* bank ran a credit check on us last month about the time we were applying for the refinance. Had we applied for a new credit card? Hello? :banghead: Is it not obvious that *your* bank ran the credit report because we were applying to refinance? There's just so much fun to be had writing this letter, but really, how snarky is too snarky? I don't think I'm capable of writing it without putting in some smart*ss remark. :biggrinjester:

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Write the snarky one first. Dump all those comments on paper. Have some fun with it. Clear your head. Sign it. Post it for us to see. (well, maybe not.)


THEN, get a fresh piece of paper and write the real, business-like, firm letter.


Frankly, I think you get to be a little incredulous. They are supposed to be keeping lots of details in line for you. They shouldn't be asking stupid questions.

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Yup. Write 2 letters. One to make you feel good and one that is respectful and firm for the bank. My dh did something similar last night. He's getting laid off today and thankfully was told by a coworker on Wednesday. I pretended to be his boss and he got to say all the nasty really unprofessional stuff to me. Today he is going to be sincere, appreciative and grateful. Which one does he really feel? I wish he could give them the speech he gave me last night! LOL

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