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What I want to do versus what I can do

Wendy in ME

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This week I am struggling to make peace with what I can actually get done in our school versus what I wish we could do. I have to work FT but at least is is 3 12hr shifts rather than a more conventional schedule. I am also teaching 4 very different levels. I just need to accept this.


I really wanted to be able to continue with TOG but I can't. I know that I don't have to do everything but even deciding what to do and what to omit takes more time than I have. My oldest is also looking for a more checklist type of plan so he knows exactly what his week will look like. I'm sad about this and a bit relieved at the same time to move on to something simpler. My oldest will use HO level 2, 5th grader will do WTM history, and 1st grader will use SOTW.


I am trying to reduce the number of teacher intensive programs that we use. I really wanted to be successful with Classical Writing but I just can't teach 2 different levels of this very time consuming program. RightStart math has met the same fate as well as R&S English. We have joined the ranks of CLE for language, reading, and math. We will continue with reading real books for literature as reccommended in WTM but just to make sure they are getting the right amount of literary analysis CLE will have me covered. I will continue with reading aloud, teaching Latin and math and we will all still sit together in the school room. I guess this will be a good compromise between workbooks and real books. I'm sure it will all be fine but I still feel guilty about not being able to stick with what I felt were the best programs.


Does anyone else struggle to find a happy medium between what the want to accomplish and what they can? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that hands on stuff never gets done. We are doing ok with Harmony Fine Arts though.:confused:

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Wendy :grouphug: ,


I've been there and am still there. Dh and I are in ministry, and there are a lot of things I have to do outside of homeschool. Sometimes I wish I could do certain things - for example, I also loved RightStart and Classical Writing, but they were just too time-intensive for me to handle. I would love to add Latin and more art to our homeschool, but it's not going to happen.


I reached a point where I had to sit down and decide what was top priority for me to personally teach, what would be acceptable for more independent learning, and what subjects we were simply going to choose not to do at this time. Our family ended up using Time4Learning for math and language arts (I do supplement phonics a little to make sure they get enough practice, but it doesn't take much time). I teach Bible, history, and science. I combine everyone for Bible and history (thanks, Biblioplan). I group my K-3rd graders and use FIAR with them (that covers their science as well as other things), and let my oldest do her science independently.


Pr.aying for you to achieve peace about what you can do, do that well, and let the rest go.





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:grouphug: from me too. I have an only child, work 30hrs/wk now, and can handle no more than one teacher-intensive subject. Chin up! The older they get, the more independent they can and want to be. My 8th grader does nearly everything on his own. We check his work together, and I have to keep on top of it or else he will slack off. But, he does his work mainly independently. And, one benefit of your working might possibly be the opportunity to outsource a bit.


Take care!

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I don't have an outside job and only have 3 children to teach; you are doing great IMHO! I never manage to do everything I want to. It is ALWAYS a compromise of some kind because there just isn't enough *me* to go around, there isn't enough time in a day to do it all, and there isn't enough money to buy it with either! It makes me feel better understanding that whatever program/method/curriculum actually gets done is the one worth using!:D

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I think it just must be part of parenting to wonder if the choices you have made are the right ones but I feel more pressure because we have chosen to HS the boys. I feel like I have to prove that HS is the best choice for them and lately I have been feeling like I have bitten off more than I can chew.


Probably the biggest challenge to HSing is finding the right mix for your family and children. What has worked in the past just isn't working now that we have added a 1st grader and pre-k to the mix. I am feeling better about our new path.


Herding Cats, I love your name. My dh and I always joke about herding cats when we take them shopping.

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You are certainly not alone, as you can see. I had to send my 3 oldest back to public school b/c I felt I wasn't doing enough with the younger kids b/c I was too focused on the older ones. And we still hardly ever got to Science or History or Art or Music. What I am finding now is that what we DID do...was obviously far more than their public school counterparts b/c of the comments I hear from my kids and their teachers. Rest assured you are doing a great job! I am still in the same boat this year, though. With 2 boys who fight me to get just the basics done each day it is difficult to get the "extras" in b/c I am so drained and they put up such a fight. I "try" to do some fun extras...crafts, nature walks, educational DVDs, science experiments, etc. But, I consider it a good day when all the core subjects get done!

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Probably the biggest challenge to HSing is finding the right mix for your family and children. What has worked in the past just isn't working now that we have added a 1st grader and pre-k to the mix. I am feeling better about our new path.


Wendy, I think this part is what hits home for me. You are a wise mother to constantly visit what works now, rather than always try to make last year's plan fit this year's reality. There is no single perfect curriculum choice, except to choose what is best in the season your family is in. You will be an excellent HS mom with different books, because you are dedicated, not because you have the best hands-on project in town.


This year, our youngest is doing "real" kindergarten work so I'm juggling 3 students for the first time, and we too use CW at two levels, RightStart math at 3 levels now, and TOG. Yeah, I'm brain-tired and I'm not also trying to work FT like you!! Kudos to you for identifying and working to remedy what wasn't working anymore.


I hope you find peace on this new path. Hugs!!

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I think it just must be part of parenting to wonder if the choices you have made are the right ones but I feel more pressure because we have chosen to HS the boys. I feel like I have to prove that HS is the best choice for them and lately I have been feeling like I have bitten off more than I can chew.


And remember, besides the myriad of reasons we want to educate them at home, there's the fact that they are required to do more work when they get home from conventional school! Not to mention bringing in boxes of Kleenex, bags of M&M's, science fair projects, catching colds, getting them up and dressed, making lunches or remembering to give them lunch money, finding the bus schedule or waiting in the car line, going to the book fair... you get the idea. ;) The conventional school schedule requires a lot of your time too, so be encouraged!


You are a super mom and I admire you too!! :grouphug:

Edited by angela&4boys
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