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Latin: What and how early ??


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Ok I am an old homeschooler, looking at all the new stuff. Geez is there a ton out there.


So tell me what you loved, and when you used it? I am wanting to start latin as soon as possible with my little ones, even if that means stretching something way out, working very slowly to start.



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I will say....I am definitely in the minority here, LOL....so.....I think Latin is best taken in jr. high or high school....why? Well by that time the student has a good grasp of grammar which helps 'understand' Latin.


Now....I see nothing wrong with teaching younger kids some Latin vocabulary...which is what most of the younger programs are anyway, LOL!


I see no reason to invest so much time into Latin at a young age when the student can grasp it so much faster/easier a little later.

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My general rule is that I start Latin when my dc are reading fairly well. For eldest ds that meant, hmmm, 6 almost 7 (I think - I've theoretically slept since then). Eldest dd6 will start Latin in January.


I use Lively Latin with my ds (who's now 8). At first we took it veeeerrrryyy slowly; but, now he almost finds the work too easy. I like LL for the English grammar instruction and the clear explanations. Ds likes LL because of the Roman history (which isn't necessarily essential to the program).


Many people use Memoria Press' Prima Latina which I understand to be a very gentle introduction to Latin. Another gentle introduction many people use is Minimus which is about a mouse living in Roman Britain.


In any event, I think you'll want your dc to at least be well into whatever phonics program you use and reading simple passages, etc fairly easily.

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My general rule is that I start Latin when my dc are reading fairly well. For eldest ds that meant, hmmm, 6 almost 7 (I think - I've theoretically slept since then). Eldest dd6 will start Latin in January.


I use Lively Latin with my ds (who's now 8). At first we took it veeeerrrryyy slowly; but, now he almost finds the work too easy. I like LL for the English grammar instruction and the clear explanations. Ds likes LL because of the Roman history (which isn't necessarily essential to the program).


Many people use Memoria Press' Prima Latina which I understand to be a very gentle introduction to Latin. Another gentle introduction many people use is Minimus which is about a mouse living in Roman Britain.


In any event, I think you'll want your dc to at least be well into whatever phonics program you use and reading simple passages, etc fairly easily.


Thanks that was very helpful. I have been looking at Lively Latin, and Minimus....... both are secular from what I have heard.


I used Latina Christina with my olders before Wheelock's. I just don't care to go that route again. I will do Wheelock's for sure.


We will of course wait until reading fluently, I really don't want to start before 6 or 7ish. But would like to start earlier than 3rd for sure... hopefully it works out that way. These kids sometimes have minds of their own. :D



Anyone else have suggestions ????

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I used Latina Christina with my olders before Wheelock's. I just don't care to go that route again. I will do Wheelock's for sure.



Jana, why not LC again? I was thinking about going the PL/LC route with my dc. Like you, I want to start in 1st-2nd grade depending on reading level (looks more like 1st for my oldest two). However, I haven't bought anything yet, so I'm still looking :D.

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I used Latina Christina with my olders before Wheelock's. I just don't care to go that route again. I will do Wheelock's for sure.



Jana, why not LC again? I was thinking about going the PL/LC route with my dc. Like you, I want to start in 1st-2nd grade depending on reading level (looks more like 1st for my oldest two). However, I haven't bought anything yet, so I'm still looking :D.


Honestly we are secular homeschoolers. It was a ton of work for me to modify LC. It was one of the few latin for homeschoolers back then though. I like it, but looking for something more secular now is all.

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