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Why I LOVE Homeschooling

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Today was one of those perfect autumn days that was just warm enough to be comfortable outside but had a bit of a bite, and everything smelled like chimney smoke, you know? Dh let me sleep in 'til 10 and I woke up to the kids reading books and a fresh batch of pumpkin pancakes. We decided not to do any "school" today. Kids went outside with Dh and completed a barn they've been building all summer; painting will start tomorrow. I went inside to finish hot apple cider from our orchard. We did our first leaf blowing and made up a song about leaf piles (a cute, albeit annoying song). Had neighbors over for the cider and cider doughnuts from a local farm; all the kids had a pick-up tag football game. Dh is in the kitchen now making to-die-for carbonara, and we'll be enjoying homemade ice cream for dessert. Then I think we'll be watching Toy Story and staying up late playing cards, maybe go for a night hike in the woods and explore. Perfect autumn days.


It dawned on me in the midst of all this that if my kids went to school they'd, well, be in school.


Hope you all had a blessed day as well!

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LOL. If you could see my house every other day, you'd change your mind. But man is the flexibility great!



It really is. I love that about homeschooling. Both of my kids are sick right now so we're just curling up with some nice books to read for our "school" until they feel better. :D

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Oh that sounds wonderful! It was 85 and muggy all day today:tongue_smilie: I haved lived in FL now for 20 yrs, but I grew up in NH and I still miss the 4 seasons. I long for chilly weather, the smell of a fireplace burning and the leaves changing. Your day sounds lovely. It is great to be a homeschooler, isn't it!

Today was one of those perfect autumn days that was just warm enough to be comfortable outside but had a bit of a bite, and everything smelled like chimney smoke, you know? Dh let me sleep in 'til 10 and I woke up to the kids reading books and a fresh batch of pumpkin pancakes. We decided not to do any "school" today. Kids went outside with Dh and completed a barn they've been building all summer; painting will start tomorrow. I went inside to finish hot apple cider from our orchard. We did our first leaf blowing and made up a song about leaf piles (a cute, albeit annoying song). Had neighbors over for the cider and cider doughnuts from a local farm; all the kids had a pick-up tag football game. Dh is in the kitchen now making to-die-for carbonara, and we'll be enjoying homemade ice cream for dessert. Then I think we'll be watching Toy Story and staying up late playing cards, maybe go for a night hike in the woods and explore. Perfect autumn days.


It dawned on me in the midst of all this that if my kids went to school they'd, well, be in school.


Hope you all had a blessed day as well!

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I love the freedom. It was a lovey New England day, warm, but with that crisp fall feeling. When people ask why we homeschool, I think of days like this, but it's not easy to describe. It's all about attitude and the freedom to learn and to be.

Edited by LibraryLover
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