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Who keeps the student's portfolio?

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Regarding keeping a high school student's work for a portfolio, or just for records -- tests, papers, homework, whatnot -- I'm wondering how you all out there handle this.


Does the student keep the files or do you, mom/teacher, keep it?


I've been trying to train my ds14 to keep his own files/binders -- at this point, just putting all papers into a binder -- but it is not going well. We have a paper snowstorm throughout the house. I'm afraid things will get lost that we'll regret later, so I'm wondering whether I should just be doing this. But self-management is a skill I am trying to encourage, too.





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I kept things like awards and programs for performances (these came in handy come college application time). My daughter kept papers, etc. When high school began, I did tell her to keep all essay type papers as I envisioned that those might come in handy for college. They did -- one of her papers she rewrote as a college application essay. Other papers she submitted as part of a portfolio that a couple of her colleges required (or encouraged) homeschoolers to submit.




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