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Literature study course for the Ancients?

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Calvin will be thirteen when we reach the Ancients in history again, and working at a high school level. I'd like to use a packaged literature study course for him - do you have any ideas?


I'd like something that isn't too heavy, so uses the more accessible ancient texts, rather than more worthy but overwhelmingly dense ones. I'd also prefer a secular approach.


Does this exist?


Many thanks



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This is not a packaged curriculum, but I'm hoping that it will be a good plan for my 14 ninth grade ds as we cover Ancient Literature. I bought 4 textbook anthologies from Ebay (high school and college books) and plan to read selections and background on the works that WTM has listed for ninth grade. If possible, we will read the whole text on some of these... but at least we will be getting some exposure to these works. In addition, I plan to use some of the Teaching Company lectures, listed at the end of this plan.


Ninth Grade Literature


Texts: Longman Anthology World Literature, Volume A The Ancient World

Bedford Anthology of World Literature, The Ancient World

Holt: World Literature, Revised Edition

Holt: Elements of Literature, World Literature

Teaching Company: Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition



First semester


1. Bible, Genesis-Job

Bedford p. 127

Longman p. 50

Holt, p. 160

Holt, elements, p. 51

Great Authors #1-7


2. Gilgamesh

Bedford p. 55

Longman p. 88

Holt p. 136

Holt, elements, p. 21

Great Authors #2


3. Homer, Iliad

Bedford p. 277

Longman p. 230

Holt p. 214

Holt, elements, p. 120

Great Authors #7


4. Homer, Odyssey

Bedford p. 421

Longman p. 291

Great Authors #8


5. Herodutus, Histories

Longman p. 694

Great Authors #13


6. Thucydides, Peloponnesian War

Bedford p. 1135

Longman p. 700

Holt p. 284

Holt, elements, p. 181

Great Authors #14


7. Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

Bedford p. 899

Longman p. 648

Holt p. 301

Holt, elements, p. 199

Great Authors #11


8. Euripides, Meclea

Bedford p. 1004

Longman p. 748

Great Authors #12


9. Aristophanes, Frogs

Great Authors #15


10. Plato’s Republic

Bedford p. 1111

Longman p. 712

Books that Made History #13, #25

Great Authors #16


11. Aristotle, Poetics, Ethics

Bedford p. 1153


Second Semester


1. Bible, Book of Daniel


2. Lucretius, On the Nature of Things

Bedford p. 786


3. Cicero, de Republica

Books that Change Lives #33


4. Virgil, Aeneid

Bedford p. 1181

Longman p. 1163

Holt p. 379

Holt, elements, p. 269


Great Authors #19

Books that Change Lives #20


5. Ovid, Metamorphoses

Holt, p. 422

Bedford p. 1270

Longman p. 1264

Holt, Elements, p. 305

Great Authors #20


6. Bible, Corinthians


7. Josephus, Wars of the Jews


8. Plutarch, Lives of the Greeks

Great Authors #21


9. Tacitus, Annals

Holt, elements, p. 322




Teaching Company Courses


Human Prehistory and the First Civilization

Old Testament, New Testament

Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Greek Civilization

Classical Mythology

Foundations of Western Civilization

Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition

Great Battles of the Ancient World

Great Ideas of Philosophy

Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age

Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition

Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

History of Ancient Egypt

History of Ancient Rome

The Vikings

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Laura, I loved using WTM/TWEM for our Ancients study. I know it's not packaged, but is so easy to implement, that I felt I had to share the idea. I was able to use it w/my older dd, who is not that into reading, so your ds should do even better at this than we did.


I had started out w/Omnibus, but the list was so overwhelming. The WTM is lengthy, but SWB's suggestions for its use made it attainable for us. I began it mid-year, so we didn't get as far as I would have liked, but I still feel that we gleaned a lot from our studies.


I made heavy use of Sparknotes, and I highly recommend the Teaching Co. lectures by Elizabeth Andiver.

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I'm also planning to use TWTM/TWEM lists and ideas for our high school study.


You might also check out History Odyssey's Level 3 ancients, although that is not strictly literature.


Lightning Lit is has an ancients course planned, but don't have any kind of projected release date yet.

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Laura, I think you might like TWTM/TWEM approach, too. I began it with a younger child and it was great. It is a method that can be applied to whatever books you choose, so it is really flexible and easy to use, perfect for growing with a child because you don't really need to do the adapting; the child does that himself. If you are interested, I can tell you what we did. -Nan

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Laura, I think you might like TWTM/TWEM approach, too. I began it with a younger child and it was great. It is a method that can be applied to whatever books you choose, so it is really flexible and easy to use, perfect for growing with a child because you don't really need to do the adapting; the child does that himself. If you are interested, I can tell you what we did. -Nan


I'm interested!

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