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memorizing the Ten Commandments


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I found the Bestest one!! On the Old Testament, there are three songs you wouldn't choose, unless you are LDS. BUT, the rest are word for word KJV. The part about adultery, you'll have to choose whether you like their little sentence to help remember it. BUT, the song that is the the whole scripture...WOW... you know how it is to find songs that you like.. that are scripture. They also have a great Books of the Old Testament and Books of the New Testament. I listened and it sounds like just the "accepted books". Nice tune. Much nicer than what we sang.


I'll also post the motions that we used to learn the 10 Commandments in the next message:-)







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You Shall: (NKJV, but you can easily change them back to KJV:-)

1.Hold up index finger on right hand and point up towards “heaven”

“have no other gods before Me”

2.Hold up index finger on left hand facing the other finger

(it’s your image) “ not make for yourself a carved image”

3.Hold up 3(sign, thumb and two fingers..) fingers and cover your mouth. “not take the name of the

LORD your God in vain,”

4.Hold up 4 fingers on one hand. Turn them over onto the other hand as if they are laying down to rest.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

5.Hold up 5 fingers and place them over your heart to indicate “honor”

“ Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your

God is giving you.”

6. Make 2 “six shooters” “ not murder.”

7. Hold up 5 fingers on one hand and 2 on the other. Pat the 2 fingers toward the ring finger of the 5-

finger hand. “not commit adultery”

8. Show “8” with your hands and “handcuffs” and then put out wrists like arrested. “not steal”

9. Hold up 5 fingers on one hand. Hold up 4 fingers on the other hand but face them away from the

five so that the thumb is telling lies behind the others’ backs. “not bear false witness against your


10. Hold out 10 fingers and grab–like you want what someone else has.“not covet”

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