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I believe that when Sylvia Plath made her...

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I let the kids cook.....then they can complain about it to each other not me.


This puts the shoe on the other foot since they love being "big enough" to cook dinner but can only make a handful of dishes. I honestly am stuck between "no, I'll cook so we can have something different" and "sure if you are going to make it we can have the same 3 meals all week"





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The term I was searching for was "aseptic" packaging. I wonder why more meals aren't package this way. It's better than freezing or traditional canning IMO.

Yeah, I guess Tetra pak is a brand? Anyway, I don't know why there's not more packaged that way. Maybe it's too complicated to use! (Have you seen those precut apples in the grocery store?!) I think in Europe they're popular; in Italy, tomato paste can be purchased in a tube, while apparently Americans associate that too much with toothpaste to go for it. I think canning is enormously bulky.


I wasn't advocating that brand, by the way, I just happened to find its pictures first. They all look basically the same. ;) My local Chinese store has various sauces in little aseptic packets for about $1 -- handy!

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Who was it on here that said, "In my heart, I believe that Sylvia Plath is an idiot?"


I'm just curious b/c that is all I think about when I read the title to this thread.



I think it was Peek and it was Gloria Steinem if she is indeed the one you were thinking about.

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in Italy, tomato paste can be purchased in a tube, while apparently Americans associate that too much with toothpaste to go for it. I think canning is enormously bulky.




I LOVE tomato paste in a tube! I never use an entire can, and the remainder goes to waste.

The tubes are more expensive, but I'd rather pay a little extra than toss half a can.

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My boys try to be kind, but sometimes the kindest they can be is "Thanks, Mom. This isn't as bad as it usually is." :lol:


:lol: Kids give the greatest compliments sometimes.


A few months back I made a couple of dinners in a row that my daughter apparently particularly liked. Her comment was "wow, Mom, you are really learning how to cook!" I smiled and thanked her but inside I was thinking, "yeah, and I guess it only took 15 years of practice."

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I think I would die from SHOCK if somebody in my house thanked me for a meal. You are a lucky lady. It's so nice to be appreciated. :)


Oh, no. :grouphug: I'm sorry their appreciation for your cooking doesn't get expressed (I'm going to assume it's in there somewhere, and just has a hard time coming out!).

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Oh, no. :grouphug: I'm sorry their appreciation for your cooking doesn't get expressed (I'm going to assume it's in there somewhere, and just has a hard time coming out!).


Yeah, hubby's family isn't one where they do much of that type of thing so it's not a natural response from him and of course the kids follow the parents, but my dd will from time to time say, "mmm mom, this is really good. " But a thank you for a meal would be about as foreign as it comes. I think it's great that your dh does it! It must be really nice for you. :)

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A few thoughts...


1) Erma Bombeck once said that she put an onion in the oven every day about an hour before dinner time and no one ever asked her "what's for dinner".


2) A six pack of decent beer will ameliorate any "TDF" (total dinner failure) for one's spouse.


3) My mom fed me and my sibs a 5 course meal of exotic to downright disgusting foods once a year while I was growing up. She impressed upon us the importance of knowing how to use any odd utensil or piece of dinnerware put in front of us, and how to smile while eating any weird food item, no matter how aesthetically displeasing.


It came in handy the time I had to smile through sheep entrails, sour apple wine and Greek cigarettes, let me tell you...


all about not causing an international incident...




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A few thoughts...


1) Erma Bombeck once said that she put an onion in the oven every day about an hour before dinner time and no one ever asked her "what's for dinner".


2) A six pack of decent beer will ameliorate any "TDF" (total dinner failure) for one's spouse.


3) My mom fed me and my sibs a 5 course meal of exotic to downright disgusting foods once a year while I was growing up. She impressed upon us the importance of knowing how to use any odd utensil or piece of dinnerware put in front of us, and how to smile while eating any weird food item, no matter how aesthetically displeasing.


It came in handy the time I had to smile through sheep entrails, sour apple wine and Greek cigarettes, let me tell you...


all about not causing an international incident...





Wow! I admire your fortitude. I don't know if I could have handled the sheep entrails. I think I would have gone for the international incident instead. ;) :p

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I used to answer my older girls with "Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream." The younger of the two, always fell for it. lol


DD3 never asks, she just cooks her own and sometimes cooks for all three of us. My mom lives with us (for almost one year now) and she does a lot of our cooking. I love it! I just don't care that much for cooking, unless it is a special occasion. My husband is so lucky my mom moved in and is teaching dd to cook.

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