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CLE and phonics question.


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I just received my cle math materials and I am really excited about this curriculum. I am thinking about trying the LA 1 materials also and I have a question.


Do I need the I Wonder Reader with this? I read somewhere that it is referenced often in the LA.


My daughter is currently able to read level 2 readers(a few pages a day is our current schedule)pretty well. Sometimes I need to help her sound out a couple of words when she is stuck. Anyway, do I still need a formal phonics program at this point? I read a thread on the boards a few days ago that indicated that children should use a phonics program until grade three. On other boards they just recommend reading alot once they get the basics down. I am confused. Is CLE LA enough? Should I add CLE Learning to read? She used Abeka K phonics last year at the private school she attended part time and she would cry when I pulled out the materials for homework.(they really pushed the material too much)


I would appreciate any help.





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We use CLE LA 1 (1st version) without any other of the CLE add-ons (Learn to Read or I Wonder Reader). In the beginning, there is a LOT of material that coincides with the Learn to Read program. That stops at Light Unit 104 (Thank GOD). Now our lessons are very much like the lessons my older son does in CLE LA. They are mostly taught in the light unit and parent involvement becomes really minimal. My advice would be to skim through the S&S for the first 4 Light Units and see if your dd can skip them. My son is reading on about a 2nd- early 3rd grade level and we could have skipped them, but I didn't really know that at the time.


We are using a reading program as well - just not CLE. My 1st grader is using the Heart of Dakota Emerging Reader schedule. It is basically starting with a simpler book (2.1 grade level) and building up all year long to chapter books by the end of the year. We read several pages a day (6 or so right now) and he is doing wonderfully.


My older son, in 5th grade, is using DITHR instead of CLE Reading with his CLE LA. It is working well too. My younger will move on to DITHR 2/3 at half speed when he finishes the Early Readers.


Hope this helps some in choosing what is right for your family.

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I had a very bright 1st reader and we only did basic phonics--and last year, while I found he could read at a 4th grade level, we were missing a lot. We went back and added phonics. We are working thru the Pathway readers and workbooks this year, 2nd grade, and I've bought CLE 3rd grade reading to use next year.


I did change my mind and decide phonics is needed through about 3rd grade level.


If you did Abeka K phonics, you might not need "Learning to read"--it starts at the very beginning. It is a wonderful program though; my 5 year old is in the 8th lightunit (of 10) and he has learned so much---


I would recommend, just from my experience, SOME reading program with phonics. If nothing else, something like McGuffey readers (which we've just discovered) as well as lots of "fun" reading. But something to help you keep track of where you are as well--




Do I need the I Wonder Reader with this? I read somewhere that it is referenced often in the LA.


My daughter is currently able to read level 2 readers(a few pages a day is our current schedule)pretty well. Sometimes I need to help her sound out a couple of words when she is stuck. Anyway, do I still need a formal phonics program at this point? I read a thread on the boards a few days ago that indicated that children should use a phonics program until grade three. On other boards they just recommend reading alot once they get the basics down. I am confused. Is CLE LA enough? Should I add CLE Learning to read? She used Abeka K phonics last year at the private school she attended part time and she would cry when I pulled out the materials for homework.(they really pushed the material too much)


I would appreciate any help.





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