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Regarding letter of intent to homeschool

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We sent our LOI through certified mail 8 weeks ago. Is there a certain length of time where if you don't hear back it is considered accepted? We have been waiting for a response. We have heard our district is quite picky and usually has you fill out paper work and come in to meet with them. My husband is convinced he wrote a clear and specific LOI and left no loop holes for them to want any more information.

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My district got back to me within 2 weeks with an approval letter. They asked for LOI by Aug. 1st but it is not required by law. I don't think there is a legal cutoff amount of time if they do not reply. If I didn't hear back, I would continue on as normal, and send them in something at the end of the year, like work samples or test scores--if you mentioned those things in your LOI.

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