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Feeling discouraged about high school and my daughter ...

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She is ADHD (as a lot of you already know due to other posts I have made in the past). I really wanted her to do something for school that was self-teaching ... I don't think it is going to work. I have to sit on her (basically) every minute to make sure she is doing something (besides looking at the pretty patterns ... that don't exist ... on the wall). :glare:


I need something that is fairly laid out for me since I don't have a lot of extra time. I work from home so we will be disrupted occasionally throughout the day, but I really don't have time to plan something out. Of course, then there is the ever present problem of having no extra money for anything. I know she is better off at home due to a multitude of reasons and have no desire to send her anywhere else. I just need to figure out something so I feel she is learning something (preferrably without pulling my hair out in the mean time). I just don't know what to do. :001_huh: :willy_nilly: :blink:


I'll cross post this on the Special Needs board and hope for some suggestions from someone.

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A language could be self-taught, possibly? It sprung to mind as I've just posted asking for online russian resources since DD's just started learning the russian alphabet.


It's also something that doesn't mean she has to sit still and write, she can stand up, jump around and sing the language if she wants to.


I don't know if that's any help. (:

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My experience with my ADHD/outside the box kid was that self-teaching material and prepackaged curriculua didn't fit him. He just didn't learn, or would dawdle over worksheets because he couldn't focus.


Teaching a kid like this unfortunately is going to require a bit more time on your part -- but not necessarily daily time. It requires some extra prep time and a bit of creativity, and you have to learn to accept some creative output from your dd.


I've written in some of your other threads about what I did that worked with my ds. A brief recap of what I recommend is that for the time being you simply focus on the 3Rs. Find some books that interest her -- fiction or non-fiction. She must have some interests, some skills she would like to develop. People she must find interesting. Find books and magazines about those skills and people who use those skills. Have her work on developing her own skills. Have her write in a journal EVERY DAY. Have her so 20 math problems each day.


Look for some area co-ops or look into local community college classes -- anything that is slightly different from ps and not you being the sole person in charge.


It is tough, but doable. Libraries and the internet offer so much for free -- you just have to take the time to research and see what is out there.

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Is she on proper doses of her medication? When was the last time the dosign was changes?


My severely ADHD daughter does almost all her work on her own. THe one addition that helps is alarms. I have her put an alarm on for every fifteen minutes and check that she is actually doing what she is supposed to be doing. It normally works though we have had some interesting mix-ups.

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