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Question about required testing

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In NC I have to test the boys each year. Silly question but do I have to use the test for their grade? My oldest son always does really well on his tests that I feel that I don't learn anything from the results when he scores so high.


This year he is in 8th grade. Do I have to test using the test for 8th grade or can I have him do the 10th or 11th grade test? Or should I just not worry about it and just have him meet the state requirement and move on?

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I always recommend testing at the grade level a dc would be in if he were in school. The norms compare children at the same grade level; if you test at a higher or lower grade level, you're not getting the most accurate comparison, which is what standardized testing is all about.


The only state requirment in NC is that you test. DNPE doesn't care which test you use, or when you test, or which level you use.. Just do it and get it over with. *You* don't need those test results to figure out what your dc needs. Really.

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I'm in NC and I've done out of level testing. If I am going to pay to do the testing, I want it to be of benefit to me. To know that my child is on the 98th percentile for her grade in some subject is not of benefit in choosing curriculum levels---knowing at which level she is at 50th percentile (average) is (this is for things like the Iowa, not the Woodcock Johnson III, which is scored entirely differently and for which "out of level" doesn't apply).


Now I have used grade level testing for specific purposes, such as having her take the grade level ITBS last year so that I *would* get those 98th percentile scores to use *this* year to apply to the Duke Talent Identification Program.


You might want to look at posts on out of level testing on the accelerated learning board for more info and discussion, pro and con.

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