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learning german curriculum?


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So I'm replying to my own question for other who were also looking for curriculum.


I contacted a German school nearby and they pointed me to http://www.goethebooks.com/


I spoke with them and they suggested "Erste Schritte" and a dictionary (Pons Basiswörterbuch) to start.


Total cost $37.


Also, I found a free online course at http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,2142,2163,00.html


Hopefully these are helpful to others as well :)

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I like the Goethe books site.


I took a quarter of German recently. But, I've decided to take a break (yet again) from my University Career to focus on homeschooling. It was just getting to be too much.


Once you have the basics down I think it shouldn't be too hard. Pronounciation and grammar are important though.


I'm thinking I might get Rosetta Stone version 3 for homeschoolers this next year. I just wish I could see it first.


I wasn't sure if I would like German or not. But, I'm so happy I gave it a try. I love it and my children are picking it up quite nicely. Finding resources is what I'm finding difficult. I would love some Sesamestrasse and such for the boys. But, I wish I could just check it out at the library.

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