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Procardia and preterm labor

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I've been on procardia since a preterm labor scare around 25 weeks. I still have days with lots of BH contractions, but have yet to have them regularly enough to send me back to L&D for monitoring.


I also have PIH so that's probably why I've been on it so long. She wants to start weaning me off of it now that I'm getting close to the end.


It's given me no side effects. Hope it works as well for you!

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I took it from as early as week 10 through delivery for 3 pgs. Sigh! Can you say that I practically go into labor as soon as I am pg!


BAby #1 35 weeker

Baby #2 labor at 27 weeks, procardia started at 27 weeks, delivered at 37 weeks

BAby #3 procardia started 22-23 weeks, delivered at 38 weeks

BABay #4 procardia started at some point, delivered at 38 weeks


Procardia worked so well that all 3 pgs had to be induced in order to get labor going. That's not great, but I delivered 3 healthy babies. Induction isn't all that bad, honestly.


Procardia is FAR more comfortable to take that Brethine or magnesium sulfate, too!

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