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I'm so tired of stress and being on the edge of disaster


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It seems like it's one crisis after another, and we have absolutely NO leeway in our budget to deal with unexpected expenses. At the same time, we have an old car that needs work and without which my DH will be dropped from the work furlough program and stuck in Tent City with no release, next to the animal control facility with no allergy meds, until Feb.


I already borrowed money from my boss so I could make rent after paying out $600 to fix the radiator. But the motor mounts are messed up and it's getting progressively worse by the day.


Someone else from work's husband is going to look at it for us tomorrow. But regardless of what he says, we have zero money to fix it right now. I'm behind on the utilities as it is. And we haven't bought DD any birthday gifts, though thanks to food stamps I'll be able to pull off a party okay.


I'm trying to sell some stuff we have sitting around the garage. I dropped hints with the in-laws that we could use some help (an action I doubt DH will appreciate, because he'll get the fallout in lectures later). I don't know what else to do.

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I'm sorry you are having a rough time. I do know what it is like. It wasn't until my dh and I took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Univ. classes that we were finally able to get a budget (cash flow plan) together and stick to it. We do the cash envelope system and it really helps. For the first time, we were able to pay for car repairs and new tires with CASH and not use credit. It's rough at first and there are some months (many months) we just don't have it in our budget to do anything extra (eating out, gifts, entertainment, etc.) One thing I will suggest is making a budget starting with your essentials first...food, housing, gas, utilities, etc. Whatever is left over you should allot to the other categories like gifts, entertainment, misc., etc. Cut out all unnecessary items...newspaper subscriptions, magazines, bday gifts for other people, etc. Also, as crazy as it sounds...payments toward credit cards are LAST in your budget. Do a zero-based budget. Start with how much you make each pay period and deduct expenses until you get to zero. Whatever falls below the zero mark, doesn't get paid that period...i.e credit cards. Simply tell the cc companies that they are below the line. But, you must take care of the essentials FIRST in order to live! PM me if you'd like info. on Dave Ramsey and his program. Praying for you!

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