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Sick of being misunderstood

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It's full of jerks.


Not really. Or maybe it is and you need to stop paying attention.


Augh, eventually the hormonal pendulum will swing the other way and we'll all have a deeper love for fellow humans. And then we'll argue about rediculous things and say thoughtless cruel things. And then we'll have a giant love fest over how wonderful everything and everyone are. And then we'll.... well you get the picture ;)





That wasn't helpful at all was it? Sorry, I'm in the well of despair with you.

Edited by lionfamily1999
because I can't spell today.
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Just freaking sick of it.


Can I blame this on perimenopause, too? Does that scramble your ability to speak effectively?


Or is the world just full of jerks who deliberately misunderstand you?



All right - rant over. Jeez. I am not feeling the love today.



Oh noes. I have a feeling I know what this is about. Let me play the middle here and see if I can smooth this over on the other side.


Well, you answered well enough, and I fully understood. There's no one else saying anything. Just chalk it up to mis-communication? I think the clouds, stars and moon are off, myself. *g* We need a huge planetary shift. <g>

Edited by justamouse
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ETA: :grouphug:


Ohmygosh...perimenopausers unite! I hear you....and also feel the need to go back in time and apologize to my mom. I always thought she was making this stuff up and I had no patience for it. I'd be thinking "Just smile more." Or "Just be happier." or "Just make the words sound different when they come out." But they can't (or won't). My dd8 has started praying at night that I won't be grumpy. :glare: And forget trying to communicate with intelligence (especially in writing). My friends, bless their hearts, just keep asking for clarification until they are sure they understand. And dh...he's just holding on til the 10 years are over :lol:.


(I'm going to call my mom now...I have something to say to her :blushing:)

Edited by Debbie in OR
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