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SWO not working!


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So we are only on SWO A for my 2nd grader. It is not working!! We flew past the first lessons, and then when we got to the long vowels...it went down hill fast.


Unlike SWO B, there are no rules or tips for him to use in this book, so it makes it hard for him. I have done the writing them every day, using them in sentences, etc. all with no success. Should I keep going? We are at the end of the book and don't know if I should go to level B, or switch to something else (like AAS). DS is very hands on, so I don't know if something else will work better.


I don't know what to do!!



Liz in NC

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You could try AAS. If he needs something more hands on or rules-based, AAS would def. fit the bill. I have also fallen in love with The Phonics Road...it is not just spelling but reading, phonics, handwriting (a bit), grammar, literature study (in the later levels) and then on to Latin. I never thought I would like it...but I really do. We use the tiles from AAS sometimes for my more hands-on child (who hates to write anything he doesn't have to :))


HTH. FWIW...SWO never really worked for us either.

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Hi, Liz - congrats on the new baby! My son is also in the 2nd grade, and he is mid-way through SWO B. He does fine on the lessons but then misspells the same words on other assignments. I bought AAS for my younger son who seems to be more hands-on. Anyway, I've started my oldest on it as well. We are doing one step a day in level one and still doing SWO, too. He really likes AAS, and we are both learning rules (even in level 1). Sure, the words are easy, but now he is learning the why behind when to end a word with k or ck, etc. Don't forget that AAS offers a money-back guarantee if it doesn't work out. :)

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