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I did it! I made one of those cute headcoverings!

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So I posted a thread a few days ago, asking for advice/links/tips about headcoverings. I shared a few of my favorite sites, and one style in particular I liked. Well, one of the fabulous ladies here on the board (Dragons in the Flowerbed, aka Rose :)) linked to a pattern for the style I liked. Here's the original thread.


So, tonight, dh is downtown evangelizing, and the dc are in bed. And I made one! And it turned out cute! And I'm so excited, I just had to share!


I drug the boys into the fabric today while on errands, and got some remnants of supercute material that I thought would work. I've just made one so far, but I'm hooked, and will for sure make more. I even was able to adjust the pattern so that it was exactly how I wanted it. I'm so proud of myself! (Can you tell? :D)


So now I'm gonna try to post pics, even though I've never done that before; hope it works...


I couldn't get a decent picture of the back, since there's no one here awake to take it for me. :)

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How CUte! How long did it take? Are you a newbie seamstress? I want to try to do it!


It took me, oh, about 45 minutes or so. I'm not exactly a 'newbie', but I'm not an 'old pro', either ;). I've made a few things from patterns the I've bought at the fabric store before, as well as curtains of course (who here with a sewing machine hasn't made curtains? :001_smile:)


Here's a link to the pattern. I like to have ties on my headcoverigs, instead of elastic, so I modified the pattern a bit. Mine has as final length of 7 inches as well.


Do you usually wear a headcovering? I may have missed you in the other thread.

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I read the other thread but didn't post...as an Orthodox Christian, I would like to wear a head covering, but usually don't. But I have been wanting to more and more...I am going to get fabric tomorrow and do it! I have made buckle baby carriers, so I can do this I bet,easily! THANKS for the encouragement!!!


Yay! Good for you! If you have any trouble, pm me. I've got another really cute fabric I'm hoping to use tomorrow. Oh, and I'd LOVE to see pictures if you can post them when you're done! :001_smile:

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Ok, got 4 different fabrics (eyelet, a blue batik, and a couple floral beiges), and as soon as it is my toddler's naptime, I will begin! So for the main part, you followed the instructions, but not for the connector? I would prefer ties, also. How long are your ties? On the pleated part, you use elastic, right? I only have very thin elastic, but I will try it....

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Ok, got 4 different fabrics (eyelet, a blue batik, and a couple floral beiges), and as soon as it is my toddler's naptime, I will begin! So for the main part, you followed the instructions, but not for the connector? I would prefer ties, also. How long are your ties? On the pleated part, you use elastic, right? I only have very thin elastic, but I will try it....


My ties are about 7 inches long; I just double knot them. If you want to tie a bow, I'd make them around 9 inches long.


For the pleated part, I didn't use elastic. I sewed a very loose-tensioned stitch through each end of the main part, then pulled on each end of the threads. the fabric 'gathers' toward the middle. Then I just kind of scrunched it up however much more I needed to to fit it into the end of one of the ties, then sewed the tie to the main part. You could do pleats, then just pin them into place, sew it, then insert the end into one of the ties and sew it, too. I just thought pleats would be more work than gathering it. :001_smile:


Is the eyelet you got white? I'd like to try that, too. I bet it'll be pretty!

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