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Can you tell me why (exercise related)

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That, my dear, is dehydration. ;) Happens to me all the time. Drink up! You'll also notice that you aren't moving your hands enough for adequate blood flow and the tissues retain too much fluid. Again, drink more. If you're on a stationary bike, try lifting light weights as you ride, or strap one of those stretching bands around the handles and use those to keep your arms moving. I can so relate though, it feels just awful!

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my guess would be that your leaning on your bars too heavily and/or you have an ill-fitting bike. You should probably change hand positions more frequently or if you ride a lot have someone knowledgeable take a look at your position. When I ride my mountain bike (around the neighborhood with my kids) my hands always go numb. This happens because the bike doesn't fit properly and my weight distribution causes too much pressure on my hands. Unfortunately, I can't justify replacing it since it gets so little use. (Also, if you don't have a good pair of padded cycling gloves, get some, that might help.)

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